Revolutionary War

  • lexington and concord

    lexington and concord
    thomas gage ordered troops to march from boston to nearby concord. Then went over to conrod and the fight lasted 15 minutes.
  • bunker hill

    bunker hill
    thomas gage decided to strike at militiamen on breeds hill
  • New york and New Jersey

    New york and New Jersey
    British attempted to seize NYC. Then Surprised attack NJ.
  • Saratoga

    American troops surrounded burgoyne at saragota
  • marquis de lafayette

    marquis de lafayette
    arrived to offer help
  • Valley Forge

    washington and army fought to stay alive at the camp. they went low on food.
  • philadelphia

    morris & salmon raised money to provide salaries for the continental army
  • yorktown

    french and american troops surrounded the british on yorktown
  • treaty of parts

    confirmed U.S independence