Revolutionary War

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    John Locke

    The significance of John Locke during the war was he wrote the Social Contract which states individuals agree to create a government where people combine to accomplish a common goal. John Locke also came to the conclusion of Natural Rights which provide people with the right to life, liberty, and property. The impact of Locke was he created a philosophy of self-government and natural rights which provided the colonists with liberties and freedoms.
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    French and English Enlightenment

    The significance of the enlightenment was the philosophy of human liberties and freedoms and the Declaration of Independence drew upon this philosophy. Especially John Locke’s philosophy of traditional rights should be universalized into natural rights which are life, liberty, and property. The opening passage of the Declaration of Independence echoes Locke’s philosophy. The impact of the enlightenment allowed the colonists to fight harder for their liberties and rights.
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    George Washington

    The significance of Washington during the war was he led the colonial forces to victory over the British and became a national hero to the colonists. The impact of Washington in the war was by leading the troops it led to the colonists winning the Revolutionary War against the British. Eventually, George Washington becomes the first elected president of the United States.
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    Thomas Jefferson

    The significance of Thomas Jefferson during the war was an elected Continental Congress member which was an assembly that was made up of delegates from the 13 colonies. Thomas Jefferson also wrote the Declaration of Independence which officially announced the colonies as completely free from the British. The impact of Jefferson was by writing the Declaration of Independence it granted the people their freedom from Britain.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    The significance of the Olive Branch Petition was the colonists begged the King of Britain to stop any further hostile actions until an agreement was put into the works. The impact this petition had on the Revolutionary War was the King rejected the petition and issued a proclamation on August 23, 1775 declaring that the colonies were in a state of rebellion.
  • Lexington & Concord Battle

    Lexington & Concord Battle
    The significance of this battle was the colonists had 49 killed and 46 either wounded or missing, whereas the British had 65 killed, 173 wounded and 26 missing. The British fired the first shot. Then moved on to Concord and destroyed all of the supplies they found. After Concord the British went back to Boston. The impact of this battle was the first battle fought in the Revolutionary War and Britain’s won this victory which gave the colonists more of a reason to fight against the British.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    The significance of the Second Continental Congress was the Congress voted to go to war, where colonial militias were inducted into the service. During this Congress they also appointed George Washington the Congress’s commander in chief on June 15. The impact the Congress had on the Revolutionary War was that the Congress officially stated that the colonies were going to war against Britain which led to the war to officially begin.
  • Bunker Hill Battle

    Bunker Hill Battle
    The significance of this battle was this was the first major battle. While colonial forces caused severe casualties against the British, in the end the British won the battle. Even though the British won the battle the impact of the battle was it only encouraged the soldiers to fight harder for their cause which also boosted the soldiers confidence.
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    Declaration of Independence

    The significance of the Declaration of Independence is it officially announced the birth of a new nation while also using a philosophy that introduced a new type of human freedom known as natural rights to life, liberty, and property. This communicated to the British what the colonists believed were the people's basic rights. The impact of the Declaration of Independence allowed the colonists to fight harder for their new country so it stays that way and no longer is under Britain's control.
  • Trenton

    The significance of Trenton is George Washington and his troops surprised the British force and took more than 900 prisoners. This was a surprise attack in which the colonists won against the British. The impact of the Trenton battle was it proved the colonists that they may stand a chance against Britain which added to their confidence and to re-enlistments for the colonial army.
  • Saratoga

    The significance of the Battle of Saratoga was it was the turning point for the colonists in the Revolutionary War. At this battle the British were defeated by the colonists and 5,000 British soldiers surrendered. The impact of the battle was the colonists’ victory led the French to support the colonists’ cause. Therefore, the French began to loan money and provide military support to the colonists and their cause.
  • Princeton

    The significance of the battle at Princeton was after a week at the battle of Trenton, George Washington and his troops attacked the British. After this battle the colonists regained most of the land that was formerly occupied by the British. The impact with the victories at both Trenton and Princeton recovered the weakening American spirits and made them stronger once again.
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    Valley Forge

    The significance of Valley Forge was George Washington and his troops living quarters during the harsh winter. There the soldiers practiced in their training skills and discipline from the Prussian military officer Baron Friedrich von Steuben who was sent by the French and the leadership was under the French aristocrat Marquis de Lafayette. The impact with Valley Forge was it allowed the soldiers to improve in their fighting skills and in their ability to be disciplined.
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    The significance of France in the war was they provided military and finances to the colonists in hopes of achieving the war. The impact of the French allowed and helped the colonists eventually succeed in the end to win the war against Britain and gain their independence and rights.
  • Treaty of Amity and Commerce

    Treaty of Amity and Commerce
    The significance of the Treaty of Amity and Commerce was the colonists and the French signed stating that the French recognized the colonists and offered trade concessions with them. The impact of the treaty was it created a relationship between the colonists and French which would eventually lead to an alliance.
  • Treaty of Alliance

    Treaty of Alliance
    The significance of the treaty was signed by the U.S. and the French which stated that if the French entered the war then neither side would quit until the colonists won, that neither country would conduct peace with Britain without the consent of the other, and that it guaranteed one another's possession in America. The impact of the treaty was it created an alliance between the French and the colonists.
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    The significance of Spain in the war was they provided extra support, but as an ally of the French not of the colonists. Another reason Spain joined the war was because they hoped to gain the land that was taken from them by the British in the French and Indian War. The impact of Spain in the war was they helped the colonists fight and win against the British for their independence and their rights in the war.
  • Cowpens

    The significance of the Battle of Cowpens was another battle where the colonists defeated the British. In this battle the colonists proved that they were able to beat the British without any assistance from other factors. The impact of this battle was a turning point in the war’s Southern campaign and provided a confidence booster for the colonists. Eventually this battle led to the Battle of Yorktown.
  • Yorktown

    The significance of the Battle of Yorktown was General Cornwallis after being trapped surrendered his army of 8,000 British soldiers to the colonists. The impact of the Battle of Yorktown was marked as the last major battle fought in the war and created the start of the new nation’s independence and their liberties. Also led to George Washington’s reputation as a great leader which would lead him to become the U.S. 1st elected president.
  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    Treaty of Paris 1783
    The significance of the treaty was it acknowledged the colonists independence, freedom, liberties, and power of the 13 original colonies that are now states to the British. The treaty was signed in Paris between the colonists and the British to officially end the war. The impact of the treaty was the colonists gained their liberties, freedoms, independence, and being able to govern themselves.