Revolutionary War Battles

  • Period: to

    Revolutionary War

  • Battles at Lexington and Concord

    Battles at Lexington and Concord
    This is the battle that started the American Revolution. Tensions between the British and colonists had been building up for years, especially in MA, and the British decided to march to Concord to seize American arms. As a result, Paul Revere warned colonists and militias began to intercept and fight the British. This first happened at Lexington, and soon the British retreated because of the intense fire. Samuel Adams & John Hancock were important because the British wanted to capture them.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    Under the command of Howe, British forces marched to Breed's Hill. They advanced towards the Americans, and their leader, Prescott, told them not to shoot unless you could see the whites of their eyes. The Americans at first fired upon the British & they retreated back a bit. After regrouping, they advanced again with the same result. The Americans were short on ammunition and the third time in hand-t-hand combat. The Americans were forced to retreat. The British won but suffered huge losses.
  • Battle of Fort Washington

    Battle of Fort Washington
    Because the British had recently lost a battle to Washington and his troops, Howe decided they would attack Fort Washington, the Americans only fort left in Manhattan. Washington advised Greene to get them to relocate to NJ, but they thought they could defend themselves. The British surrounded them and when they were completely trapped by land and sea, they surrendered. This was a huge loss as 59 Americans died and over 2,000 were taken as prisoners of war.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The tow Battles of Saratoga, fought 18 days apart, were a huge turning point. Burgoyne and the British achieved a small victory over the Americans on the first battle day. The British again attacked the Americans and were forced to retreat. This victory was so important because it convinced the French to ally with the Americans in the war.
  • Battle of Charleston

    Battle of Charleston
    The British began a siege, and in the end, it was the Americans biggest defeat f the Revolutionary War. As a result, the British captured 3,000 and killed 250. This caused a civil war in the deeply divided state of Carolina. The guerrilla war used by the Patriots pushed the British out and into VA were they surrendered at Yorktown. This helped a bit with American humiliation.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    Washington began a siege against Cornwallis in VA. This us arguably the most important battle of the Revolution. The Americans blocked a British escape by land and the French blocked a naval escape. Completely trapped, the British still weren't surrendering. However, after three weeks of nonstop bombardment day and night, Cornwallis surrendered and the Americans won.