a small force of green mountain boys lead by Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold attacked a small other British garrison and stole their items. They also used the stolen items for other battles such as the siege of Boston. The British were sleeping and Bendict and his men were able to overtake the fort. It was a small victory but first American one and gave the Americans much needed supplies. -
Bunker Hill
Was a British winbut gave confidenceto Colonistslot of fighting on breeds hill This happened because the colonists learned that the British were moving troops aroundBoston so in response to that built fortifications around Bred's Hill closer to Boston. In an effort to conserve ammo the U.S General Prescott told them not to shot until you see the whites of their eyes. This worked a couple times throwing the British off and forcing them to retreat but ran out of ammo and then hand to hand combat. -
was a small but very pivotal battle in the war. This was led by General Washington after the crossing of the Delaware. Washington and his men defeated tons of Hessian soldiers with minimal Colonial loss. this boosted moral for the continental army and helped with reenlistments. -
This was another pivotal battle led by Washington. After the attacks at Trenton Washington decided to keep his foot on the petal an attacks a British Garrison in Princeton. they got supplies and defeated a whole British army and returned to Winter Quarters. -
Another battle led by Washington. The British army defeated the American army and forced them to return to Philadelphia. there was heavy fog the day of the battle which led to cover for the British. The Americans were strategically outwitted. -
there was two pivotal battles one of the Americans lead by Horacio Gates and Benedict Arnold. After this Burgoyne attacked again with weaker troops and lost. this was a big win for the Americans because France recognized us and became our ally. -
This battle was historic in a way because it caused Washington to lose his temper which is something rare. George lost his temper at one of his General's Charles Lee who backed down from the British. the battle was in Monmouth New Jersey. George decided to harass the retreating British. during this battle both sides were exhausted and Brits retreated so Washington declared victory. -
In South Carolina American Troops defeated British troops. this was a turning point in the war's Southern campaign. American rifles outgunned British professionals. about 800 British casualties compared to 100 American casualties. The British got confused by american routs and ran into American guns and got killed. The Americans were led by General Morgan and the Brits by Colonel Banastre. This was a pivotal war that led America to victory at Yorktown. -
George Washington led 17,000 colonists and French soldiers against 9,000 british soldiers. The Americans were led by Washington and the British were led by General Cornwallis. This battle happened in Yorktown Virginia. Most important battle. Washington completely surrounded Cornwallis with colonial and French troops. After constant bombardment from canons and artillery Colonel Cornwallis surrendered then later the treaty of Paris was signed granting the colonies Independence.