French support Patriots
France had been secretly sending guns to to the Continental Army. -
Redcoats move towards New York
The Redcoats retreat from Boston and sailed to New York. -
Battle of New York
General Howe and Admiral Howe lead the Red Caots and Hessians move into New York to create a wegde in the Colonies. -
The Battle of New York ends
The Continental Army is defeated and ran out of New York. -
Washington and Patriots cross the Deleware River
After being ran out of new York the Continental Army gathered their courage and siled across the Delaware River, Christmas Night to Trenton New Jersey. -
Battle of Trenton
When Washing and the Patriots cross the Delaware River to attack the Hessians in Trenton New Jersey. -
Men Plan on leaving Washington
The men in the Continental Army and ready to go home to their families. -
Washing and Patroits fight in Princeton
Eight days after the Battle of Trenton the Continental Army took down 1,200 redcoats in Princeton -
General Howe took Philadelphia
Gerneral Howe sailed from New York to Philadelphia the Continental Congress fled and General captured the Capital. -
Battle of Saratoga
The Victory at Saratoga was General John Burgoyne was leading 4,000 redcoats through New York. The Patriots kept picking off the Burgoyne's men during his journey, until he finally surrendered. -
Valley Forge
Was a camp that the Continental army suffered in during the winter. -
France and the Colonies become Allies
France never liked Britain and when the Colonies began fighting the Britain, the Colonies and France joined forces. -
Freidrich von Steubuen offered help
Freidrich von Steubuen offered his services to Washington, he striaghten out and organized the Continental Army. -
Readcoats moves South
Redcoats took Sannah, Georgia
Lafayette joins Washingting
Cornwallis sails South
Cornwallis Conquered Charels Town
African Slaves join the Redcoats
Cornwallis tries to take North Carolina
The French arrive in the Colonies
Cornwallis surreneders
Cornwallis attacks Guilford Court House
Greene called Franch for help
Robert Morris is in charge of money for Troops
Morris and Solomon raise money for Troops
The Patriots and France Surround the Redcoats
When The Redcoats were cornered by the Patriots and French in Yorktown and had to surrender which end the all the fighting in the Revolutionary War. -
The Peace Talk in Paris
The Treat of Paris