Revolutionary War

By Husl260
  • Benjamin Franklin (First American DIplomat)

    Benjamin Franklin (First American DIplomat)
    His face to know to be on medallions, rings, watches, and etc. Because of his skill he showed during the battle in Saratoga it impressed the French soo much that they recognized American independence, Benjamin Franklin was also the first American minister. The French mostly admired the stuff that Benjamin did as president.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    It continued after the First Continental Congress. John Hancock replaced the old president of Virginia Peyton Randolph and this led to the creation of new delegates in each faction. George Washington was then appointed cheif of the Continental Army after the battles of Lexington and Concord. Secretaries and other delegates discuss th eissue of whether fighting should continue during or reenact peace. this in turn creted the navy and Marine Corps.
  • Secret Committiee of Correspondence

    Secret Committiee of Correspondence
    Second Continental Congress formed the committee of correspondence primarily to solve diplomatic functions within the government or in other countries. it was composed of Benjamin Franklin, John Dickinson, John Jay, and many more. They had to right to use diplomacy and negotiation instead of violence. For example; Dealing with trade and commerce. More responsibility began to grow overtime in this small faction as they get involved into foreign affairs.
  • Patrick Henry

    Patrick Henry
    First one to rote give me liberty or give me death speech. Overthrow the leadership of Virginia and was elected governor more than two times He opposed the Constitution because of the individual rights that people weren't being granted of.
  • Thomas Paine's Common Sense

    Thomas Paine's Common Sense
    Thomas Paine had just issued his document called Common Sense. He urged the colonists to seperate themselves from Great Britain and created the theory of people having natural rights. Everyone should be treated equally and fairly and have respect for one another. Thomas Paine also made The American Crisis which helped strengthen people's own beliefs of the government.
  • Virginia passes Declaration of Rights

    Virginia passes Declaration of Rights
    Virginia delegates = independence. Virginia convention made a constitution and their own Bill of Rights for Virginia. Similar to Locke's ideas, men are still created equal, born free and get to have individuality. Legislative and executive powers are separate, and members of Congress must resist oppression. No one can take a man's property from him.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Written by Thomas Jefferson in reason of British Colonies wanting independence. Men are born to be created equal and the government shouldn't have the power to take away or act upon these rights. If the government does this then the people have the right to overthrow that government, Back then it was a democracy, but later in time it turned into a republic.
  • American spy Nathan Hale is executed

    American spy Nathan Hale is executed
    Hale disguised himself as a Dutch schoolmaster behind British lines to find out information about where the soldiers are moving next. British took over Manhattan and Hale was caught when sailed across from Long Island Sound. He was then interrogated by General William Howe and he order Hale's execution for stealing documents that belonged to the British.
  • Model Treaty Or Treaty Of Alliance(1776)

    Model Treaty Or Treaty Of Alliance(1776)
    U.S. Congress approved the Treaty Of Alliance in September 17 in 1776. Help support the supplies of weapons and assistance form other countries.George Wythe mission was to gain an alliance an d this inspired John Adams to join. He thought of the advantageous they could have with France due to trade and separation of colonies. U.S. couldn't accept troops from France.
  • Battle of Princeton

    Battle of Princeton
    Rivalry between Washington and Cornwallis have started to take a new turn as Cornwallis appeared with 8,000 redcoats to overwhelm Washington's army of 5,000 after the battle of Princeton;. He anticipated that Washington would be able to go another route and so he sent soldiers at outnumbered him 5 to 1.
  • Burgoyne or Sara toga Campaign

    Burgoyne or Sara toga Campaign
    The British wanted to gain control of Lake Champlain to cut of the north.They gained control of New York and the Americans had to move their supplies all the way up to the original colonies such as norther and the southern. Burgoyne wanted to capture Ticonderoga so they try to advance South from Canada. Barry St Leger went along to Mohawk Valley.
  • Battle of Monmouth

    Battle of  Monmouth
    Washington sent General Charles Lee to distract the British so that he could bring down Valley Forge. Lee spent most of his time fighting continuously to stall for time but at the very end General Lee fled the battlefield. Washington became so angry as to why a General could run away from an important battle an leaving his troops to defend for themselves.
  • British surrender Fork Sackville

    British surrender Fork Sackville
    The beginning of Fork Sackville surrender began the end of British domination. Clark departed to Kaskaskia with a force of 170 men of both Kentucky and French troops. Clark then killed 5 British troops which then secured the surrender of Garrison.
  • Battle of Brier Creek

    Battle of Brier Creek
    With the strength of 2,000 men at is disposal, general Lincoln drives the British soldiers all the way to Augusta. he tried to use a surprise attack by general Prevost. His army was either massacred, kept in captivity, and some drowned trying to pass the Savannah River. Authority risen in Georgia
  • Spain declares war on Great Britain

    Spain declares war on Great Britain
    King Charles III refused to have an alliance with the United States due to imperial powers rising against each other possible creating another world war. However, Charles Gravier minister from France decided to use a peace treaty to join Spain's efforts to defeat Great Britain. Why did Gravier wanted to join the war?, What was his alterior motive? Gravier wanted Gibraltar and secure spanish borders.
  • The Batlle of Kings Mountain

    The Batlle of Kings Mountain
    American frontiersmen gathered together to resist Ferguson's advancement into South Carolina. Ferguson's troops banded together and created a defense on top of King's Mountain. Patriots began their attack and Ferguson was left with no choice but to declare an attack down the mountain. In the crossfire, Ferguson was killed and some of his men even wanted to surrender.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    Congress conducted raids on British ships and altogether gathered about 600 shps.British troops then went to Virginia and turned Yorktown into their own fortress of operations. Washington led his army and Rochambeau's troops into Virginia and hope the British would never have time to comeback. They destroyed Corwallis defense and successfully captured him. General Clinton arrived too late to help the general as he was captured.
  • Washington Newburgh Address

    Washington Newburgh Address
    Anger shot into Washington (after the American Revolution ended) when the Army went against civil authority, This in turn caused a negative effect on the soldiers stating to Congress that Washington should try to negotiate the wrongs that they did. The soldiers were aginst the Newburgh's Address. it didn't solve the situaton entirely but it allowed thesoldiers and Washingotn to have common ground with each other.
  • Paris treaty end Revolutionary War

    Paris treaty end Revolutionary War
    Thomas Jefferson was invited to attend this event but eventually he did not show. Due to European countries interfering with each other such as Spain, Great Britain, and etc, the american settlers began to coincide their differences with the British. Achievements: American independence recognized and east Mississippi ceded to U.S.
  • Virginia Statue and Religious Freedom

    Virginia Statue and Religious Freedom
    Thomas Jefferson created Virginia Statue help to separate the balance between church and state. People should be able to be free of paying of taxes to worship God. Divided into three paragraphs each stating his/her own individual right for freedom. Man gets to choose his own morals and individuality.