The French Aid
The French were still bitter from losing The French and Indian War so they had secretley sent the Colonies weapons and supplies. -
The British Retreat
The British retreated from Boston moving the war the center of America. -
Battle of New York
32,000 British forces invaded New York in the summer of 1776 taking on only 23,000 American Soldiers. America surrendered New York on August 27, 1176 -
Washington pushed to Pennsylvania
The British pushed Washington's acrmy into Pennsylvania, across the Deleware RIver. Now Washington is left with less than 8,000 men. -
Battle of Trenton
In desperate need of a win, Washington led 2,400 men in small rowboats across th Deleware River on Christmas night, 1776. The next morning, they surprised attacked the British forts killing 30 men and capturing 918. -
Battle of Philidelphia
Under General Howe, the British captured Philidelphia in late August of 1777. -
Battle of Saratoga
General John Burgoyne (British) and his army of 8,000, set out to drive a wedge through the colonies, isolating New England. General Horatio Gates (American) and his army surrounded Burgoynes' army in Saratoga.Burgoyne surrendered and changed the course of the war. -
Valley Forge
Camp of the Continental Army during the winter of 1777-1778. Poor conditions at Valley Forge resulted in 2,500 American Soldiers deaths -
America aligns with the French
America and France sign an alliance. In the terms, France agreed to only make peace with Britain if they accepted American independence. -
Friedrich von Steuben
A volunteer, Friedrich von Steuben, trained Washington's army preparing them for more battles against the British. -
Marquis de Lafayette
Marquis de Lafayette joined Washington in Valley Forge -
The British Move South
The British changed their fighting stragedy after their loss at Saratoga. They then began moving down south in hopes to gain support. -
The British Take Savannah
The British overtook Savannah, Georgia at the end of 1778. -
Control of Georgia
A Royal Governor took command of Georgia in the early spring of 1779. -
South Carolina
Henry Clinton and Charles Cornwalls sailed south with 8,500 men and captured Charles Town, South Carolina. -
Clinton Leaves the South
Cornwallis was left to command British forces when Henry Clinton left for New York. -
Slaves join Britain
Thousands of African American Slaves escaped Patriot Control. They offered to hep the British in hopes of freedom. -
Camden, South Carolina
Cornwallis' army invaded Camden, South Carolina in August of 1780. They held forts for 3 months until Patriot bands pushed them out of Camden. -
The French Join Together
A French army of 6,000 went to Newport, Rhode Island. Lafayette suggested they team up with another French troop stationed there. -
The Redcoats Surrender
Washington ordered Nathanel Greene to march South with a troop to harrass the Redcoats. The Redcoats were outnumbered and surrendered. -
Greene's Fears
Nathanael Greene was worried about the everlasting fight for the South with the Britihs. Because of his fears he wrote a letter to Lafayette. -
The Troops Get Paid
Due to the success of the financial superintendent, redit was used to pay the Army Troops. -
Cornwallis Surrenders
Surrounded by the French, Cornwallis surrenders. -
The British surrender, The war is now over, -
Final Surrender
America accepts the British surrender. -
Raising Funds for The Army
In attempt to raise money to produce army salaries, Congress appoints a financial superintendent in hopes of shrinking inflation. -
Treaty of Paris
Almost 2 years later the Treaty of Paris is signed. This officially declares America independent.