John Locke(Social Contract and Natural Rights)
He was a British philosopher,who is considered to be one of the most famous philosophers, and political theorists of the 17th century. He had the beliefs of human nature. The impact he had was creating a series of written documents stating the basic human rights of the citizens, this caught the attention of Thomas Jefferson who then created the Declaration of Independence. -
French Enlightenement
This was a movement of ideas of the 17th and 18th century that were ideas concerning God, reason, nature, and humanity. This gained a wide worldview in the West. The impact it had was allowing the colonies to have their own opinion, and ideas to becoming their own nation. -
George Washington
He was the Commander in Cheif for the Continental Army during the American Revolution War. He served as the first U.S Preseident, and had did two terms from 1789-1797. The impact he had was leading the colonies to victory against the British. -
Thomas Jefferson
He was the author of the Declaration of Independence, and was the third U.S President. He served in the Virgina Legislature, and the Continental Congress, while being the governor of Virginia. The impact he had was stablizing the U.S economy, and finally declaring the American Colonies free of the British authority. -
Lexington & Concord
This had started a piece of the Revolutionary War, tensions were building up between the thirteen colonies, and the British authority, so on the night of April 18th hundreds of soldiers had marched to Concord in order to seize an arms cahe. The impact it had was showing the British and King Geroge that unjust behavior will not be tolerated among America. -
Second Continental Congress
This would represent America's first attempt at a representative self governement. This was composed of the delegates of the thirteen colonies. The impact it had was raising armies, directing stratigies, appointing diplomats, and writing up treaties. -
Bunker Hill
This was early in the Revolutionary war, and is where the British had defeated the Americans. The impact it had was inflicting many casualties against the enemy, and providing them with a huge confidence boost. -
Olive Branch Petition
This was the final attempt by the colonists to avoid going to war with Britain during the American Revolution. In this document the colonists pledged their loyalty to the Crown, and had esbablished their rights. The role of the petetion was to try and appease King George III in order to avoid further conflict between the colonies, and the British Government. -
Declaration of Independence
This document contains the ideals/goals of the nation, it contains the complaints of the colonists against the British King, and it contains the arguments of the colonists in which they explained why they wanted to be free from the British rule. The impact it had was freeing all American colonies from the British rule. -
This battle is where George Washington's raid across the Deleware River had crushed the Hessain Army. This gave the Americans an easy defeat. The impact it had was George Washington leading his soldiers to, two victories within the time span of 10 days, this also led to Washington defeating a formidable garrison of Hessian mercenaries. -
The British had lost control of New Jersey, and retreated back to New York. The impact this had was defeating the British army. -
This was during the second year of the Revolutionay War, and had included two battles fought eighteen days apart. This was a victory for the Continental Army. The impact it had was being a major turning point, and giving the Patriots a major morale boost. This also persuaded the French, Spanish, and Dutch to join their cause. -
Valley Forge
This was the location of the 1777-1778 winter encampment of the Continental Army under General George Washington. Here Washington had ordered his troops to winter at Valley Forge, this was going to be a day's march away from Philidelphia. -
France( Treaty of Amity & Commerce, Treaty of Alliance )
This recognized the United States as an independent nation, and had encouraged trade between France and America. The Treaty of Alliance provided the military alliance agaisnt Great Britain. The impact it had was creating a defensive alliance between France, and the United States, in whcich promised a mutal military support in case fighting broke out between the French and British. -
It was a key political and cultural bridge across five continents. Through exploation and conquest, Spain became a world power, and maintained a overseas empire. The impact it had was Spain declaring war on the British as an ally for the
French, and an ally of the American colonies. This provided them with supplies, and munitions to the American force. -
This was a strateigically ingenious American victory during the American Revolution over a British force. It was rare for the American forces to win, but it did slow down the British efforts to invade North Carolina. The impact of this was taking minimal casualties for the Americans, but fo the British it was in the hundreds, and over two hundred being wounded. This also gave the Americans in the south a renewed sense of confidence. -
This is where Cornwallis surrendered to George Washington, as they had trapped the British at Yorktown. The impact it had was ending the Revolutionary War. -
Treaty of Paris 1783
This was signed by the U.S and the British Representatives ending the War of the American Revolution. The impact it had was the British finally acknowledging the independece of the United States. -
English Enlightenment
This was a period of rigorous scientific, political, and philosophical discourse, that had characterised the Europeans during the 17th century to the 18th century. The impact it had was producing many books, essays, inventions, and scientific discoveries in order to prove that humanity, and other sorts of ideas could be improved through change.