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Revolutionary War

  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    Met in 1775. They organized the continental Army, called on the colonies to send troops, selected George Washington to lead the army, and appointed the committee to draft the Declaration of Independence.The second Continental congress acted as a government during the war. The Second Congress managed the colonial war effort, financing the war with borrowed funds and without the support of taxes; states were asked to contribute men, supplies, and funds.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    He founded the Democratic Republicans, creator of strict construction of the Constitution, he is an author, architect, inventor, farmer, scientist, philosopher. Thomas Jefferson helped the colonists declare independence from British Rule during the Revolutionary War due to him writing the Declaration of Independence.
  • The French and English enlightenment

    The enlightenment was known as a period of time where a group of philosophers decided that reason could solve many problems. Europe’s politics, philosophy, science, and even their communication was changed because of this. The enlightenment inspired a lot of new books and writings during this time period and even inventions. The American and French Revolution were inspired by it as well too. It led to democracy and the philosophers believed in things such as basic human rights and liberty.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    The Americans conquered the British by outnumbering them at Concord and wounding many of them. Then, when the British had to retreat back to Lexington, the minutemen came around on all sides, hid behind bushes and houses, and shot at them.This battle is the first battle of the Revolutionary War, and because the colonists won, it made them feel like they would be able to win more battles against the British. The battles accounted for the first military conflicts of the American Revolution.
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    Commander in Chief of the Continental Army in the American Revolution, leader of the Constitutional Convention, and the first President of the United States. During the American Revolution, he led the colonial forces to victory over the British and became a national hero.
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    The colonist had put cannons on top of the hills and were easily in range of the city of Boston.The Americans held strong for the first two waves of British attacks but eventually the Americans ran out of ammo and on the third British wave the Americans had to retreat.The battle of Bunker Hill gave the colonists a confidence booster during the Siege of Boston. the high price of victory at the Battle of Bunker Hill made the British realize the war with the colonies would be long,tough and costly.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    During the 1770's, the second continental congress sent the Olive Branch Petition to King George III requesting to settle their differences peacefully without going to war. King George III rejects the petition outright. He claims the colonies are in open rebellion. The significance is that this is the point of no return and what seals the fate of the colonies. The Olive Branch Petition was a final attempt by the colonists to avoid going to war with Britain during the American Revolution.
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    His view on the social contract was that the Natural Rights were inalienable, superseded government authority. Among fundamental natural rights, Locke said, are "life, liberty, and property." Locke believed that the most basic human law of nature is the preservation of mankind. He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. He was a spy for the Americans. His ideas also influenced America's founders as well as ideas put into the DOI.
  • Trenton

    On Christmas night 1776, Washington's soldiers began crossing the Delaware River. The next morning, they surprise attacked the British mercenaries which were Hessians. The battle significantly boosted the Continental Army's waning spirit, and inspired re-enlistments. It was a small but pivotal battle during the Rev. War.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    It's America's Birth Certificate. A sacred document for Americans. It gives the reason the country was created and the hopes, ideas and beliefs that Americans have for their country.The significance of the DOI was that it was the proclamation of new ideas and It was the end of hereditary class distinctions "all men are created equal' "unalienable rights". The colonists wanted to break their political bonds that connected them from Britain and to declare their independence during the Rev. War.
  • Princeton

    A week after the Battle at Trenton, Washington left a few men to tend some campfires and fool the enemy again; he quietly marched his army to Princeton, where they surprised and beat a British force, this battle helped the American spirit.The battles of Trenton and Princeton were both a boost to the spirit of the patriot cause, which lead many recruits to join the Continental Army in the spring.
  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge
    Starvation, disease, and exposure killed 2,500 American soldiers by the end of February 1778 at the military camp at Valley Forge. No battle was fought at Valley Forge. Yet, it was the turning point of the Revolutionary War. It was here that the Continental army was desperately against the ropes — bloody, beaten, battle-weary — and ready to quit. Even General Washington conceded, "If the army does not get help soon, in all likelihood it will disband."
  • Saratoga

    Burgoyne sent an expedition to Bennington to capture American supplies but a force of New England militia met them and defeated them. his men were surrounded near Saratoga by the Continental Army, he surrendered.Turning point of the American Revolution. It was very important because it convinced the French to give the U.S. military support. It lifted American spirits, ended the British threat in New England by taking control of the Hudson River.
  • France

    The Treaty of Amity and Commerce promoted trade and commercial ties between the two countries.France recognized the US and offered trade concession, including important privileges to American shipping.The Treaty of Alliance: In the event France and England went to war French agreed to refuse truce or peace until independence of the US shall be assured by treaty or treaties that terminate the war.
  • Spain

    On June 21, 1779, Spain declares war on Great Britain, creating an alliance with the Americans. Spain helped the Colonial army during the American Revolution by keeping the British Navy occupied.Spain contributed to the American Revolution from the onset by secretly providing money, gunpowder and supplies to the Americans.
  • Cowpens

    There were Patriots in the front of the British as a decoy to bring the British out into the open. Then the Continental army was hidden behind them. The Patriots faked a retreat and the British fell for it and followed them. Gen. Daniel Morgan and the Continental army came out of hiding and the British were surrounded. They had to surrender. The battle was another major British defeat and the British had to abandon the backcountry. It made the Americans want to keep fighting.
  • Yorktown

    joint Franco-American land and sea campaign that entrapped a major British army on a peninsula at Yorktown, Virginia, and forced its surrender. Because The Battle of Yorktown ended in victory for the Americans and Britain realizing that the war is just to costly to continue. This battle was the last recognized large conflict in the Revolutionary war and was the first step King George took in acknowledging the thirteen states' independence.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris of 1783, was a peace treaty negotiated between the United States and Great Britain that officially ended the revolutionary war and recognized the independence of the thirteen states.It was created Because the war did not officially end with the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. The British still held Savannah, Charleston and New York. It took almost a year and a half for King George III to finally come around and sign a treaty to recognize the states and end hostilities.