In April 1775, when British troops are sent to confiscate colonial weapons, they run into an untrained and angry militia. This army defeats 700 British soldiers. -
In April 19 1775, the Battle of Concord was a military conflict between the Kingdom of Great Britain and its thirteen colonies in North America during the American Revolutionary War. -
Bunker Hill
June 17 1775, Boston was being besieged by thousands of American militia. The British were trying to keep control of the city and control its valuable seaports. The British decided to take two hills, Bunker and Breeds, in order to gain a tactical advantage. The American forces heard about it and went to defend the hills. -
New York
Aug 26, 1776 - Aug 30, 1776, The British commanders felt humiliated after being driven from Boston. A militia had imprisoned them in the city and then forced them out from one of their own British forts. They were not about to go home. They just needed to shift their base of operation to New York. -
December 26, 1776, The Battle of Trenton was a military conflict between the Kingdom of Great Britain and its thirteen colonies in North America during the American Revolutionary War. The Battle of Trenton ended in victory for the American colonists. -
Maruis de Lafayette
June 13, 1777, leaders learned of his mission they welcomed him very hospitably. Later in the summer he came to Philadelphia and the Congress welcomed him as he came to serve without pay and also as a volunteer. -
September and October 1777, The Battles of Saratoga were a series of military conflicts fought between the Kingdom of Great Britain and its thirteen colonies in North America during the American Revolutionary War. The Battles of Saratoga ended in victory for the American colonists -
British forces threatened Philadelphia in late 1778, forcing the Congress to evacuate and relocate in Baltimore, Maryland. Congress returned to Philadelphia in the spring of 1777 and remained there until Washington's defeat at Brandywine. -
Valley Forge
June 19, 1778, No battle was fought at Valley Forge. Yet, it was the turning point of the Revolutionary War. It was here that the Continental army was desperately against the ropes — bloody, beaten, battle-weary — and ready to quit. -
October 09, 1781, The Battle of Yorktown was a military conflict between the Kingdom of Great Britain and its thirteen colonies.The Battle of Yorktown ended in victory for the American colonists. On October 19, 1781, the British laid down their arms and surrendered. -
TreatY of Paris
September 3, 1783, The 1783 Peace Treaty of Paris was one of several treaties concluding the American Revolutionary War and signed by representatives of Great Britain on one side and the United States, France, and Spain on the other.