Revolutionary War

By GalactO
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    First major battles of Revolutionary War were fought in Lexington and Concord. The battles were won by America. No one knows who went on the offensive first.
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    Siege of Boston

    This major attack was the first stage of the American Revolution. America attacks Boston for eleven monthes finally pushing the British out of the major city. British evacuate boston and sail to Nova Scotia.
  • Capture of Fort Ticonderoga

    Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
    Capture of Fort Ticonderoga. The Americans capture Fort Ticonderoga and Crown point. This enabled Americans to acquire weapons for later battles.
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    Battle of Chelsea Creek

    Major battle in the siege of Boston. The battle is also known as Battle of Noddle's Island, Battle of Hog Island, and the Battle of the Chelsea Estuary. Americans capture British supply ship “the Diana” that was caring weapons, and they took the weapons for themselves.
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    Battle of Machias

    This was the first water based battle of the Revolutionary War. Also known as the Battle of the Margaretta. America captures the HM schooner Margaretta. The battle was fought at the port of Machias, Maine.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    Battle of Bunker Hill during the Siege of Boston. Named after Bunker Hill in Charlestown Massachusetts. Most of the fighting took place on a nearby hill named Breed’s Hill. The battle was won by the British.
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    Siege of Fort St. Jean

    Brigadier General Richard Montgomery Commands an attack on town and fort of Saint-Jean in Quebec. America captures British forces (~700) and overrun Montreal bad most of Quebec. Though they won about 900 American soldiers fell sick during the siege.
  • Burning of Falmouth

    Burning of Falmouth
    The Burning of Falmouth was an attack on a fleet of Royal Navy ships in the town of Falmouth, Massachusetts. The British fleet was commanded by Henry Mowat. The town of Falmouth was burned down in one day. This loss caused America to create continental Navy.
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    Siege of Savage’s Old Fields

    America defeats Loyalist force in the country town of Ninety Six, South Carolina. This was the first major battle to be staged in South Carolina. The battle started because a group of American soldiers were sent to recover gunpowder stolen by Loyalists.
  • Battle of Great Bridge

    Battle of Great Bridge
    Took place in Great Bridge Virginia. Attack on loyalist troops who were led by Lord Dunmore. Lord Dunmore's loyalist force is defeated. Showed loyalists that America would take them on if needed.
  • Battle of Moore’s Creek Bridge

    Fought near Wilmington in modern-day Pender County, North Carolina. Loyalist force of Regulators and Highlanders was defeated. Increased recruitment of soldiers into patriot armies.
  • British evacuate New York

    British evacuate New York
    The American troops storm New York and overpower the British forces. The British evacuated New York. The American troops didn’t realize it but Britain would attempt to retake New York.
  • Declaration of Independance was ratified

    Declaration of Independance was ratified
    The Declaration of Independence was adopted by continental congress. Officials stated that America was its own country. Major event because it is when we remember becoming a country. When we officially left Britain.
  • Washington expects upcoming British invasion

    Washington suspects that Britain will attack New York. Washington was correct in his assumption that Britain would attack. Unfortunately America would not succeed in holding the British off.
  • Battle of Long Island

    Battle of Long Island
    The British forces sent 34,000 troops to New York in an attempt to reclaim it. This is the point when Britain starts to really put all their effort into this war sending so many troops to one colony to get it back.
  • Landing at Kip’s Bay

    The British troops invade New York and retake it. America is pushed out of New York. Washington and his troops evacuate New York after the invasion.
  • Attack on Trenton

    Attack on Trenton
    Washington leads his troops into a surprise attack at Trenton, New Jersey and wins. This battle was staged on Christmas because Washington assumed that the British would be celebrating the holidays with their families. The British never saw the Americans coming.
  • Battle of Assunpink Creek

    Also known as the Second Battle of Trenton. This was a counter attack by the British after Washington led a surprise attack in Trenton on Christmas. Luckily America wins the battle.
  • Battle of Princeton

    Battle of Princeton
    Fought in Princeton, New Jersey. Following Washington’s famous crossing of the Delaware into New Jersey he invaded Princeton through a back road. Washington adds another battle to his victory count.
  • Plans to Separate New England

    British plan to separate the New England colonies from the other colonies. This would give Britain a large section on the colonies to take over as most of the armies were below the New England colonies. America would be unable to send aid as the British claimed the New England colonies. They began to separate the colonies but New York was overaken and the separation was never compleated.
  • Battle of Brandwine Creek

    Battle of Brandwine Creek
    Britain defeats America at Brandywine Creek, Pennsylvania forcing the American armies to retreat to Pennsylvania. This battle involved the most soldiers ever to fight in the Revolutionary war. This was also the longest one-day battle taking about 11 hours.
  • Advance on Philadelphia

    Advance on Philadelphia
    After the success at Brandywine Creek the British decided to continue into Philadelphia. The British defeat the American armies in a series of small fights and push them out of Philadelphia. Afterward the British move into Philadelphia.
  • Washington’s army enters Winter Camp in Valley Forge

    Washington’s army enters Winter Camp in Valley Forge
    As the weather grew harsher and Winter arrived Washington made camp in Valley Forge. This was about 22 miles from now British controlled Philadelphia. His troops stayed there until June 19, 1778.
  • France recognizes the United States

    France formally declares war on Britain. This was a major event because it sends a message to the British that other people are taking America's side in this war. Soon after France joined the fight Spain also came to America’s aid.
  • Battle of Monmouth

    Battle of Monmouth
    After Washington’s army marched out of Vally Forge they attempted to reclaim Philadelphia. After the battle British forces under Sir Henry Clinton attempted to withdraw from Philadelphia to New York. The battle was also called the Battle of Monmouth Courthouse.
  • Follow up to Monmouth

    After the battle of Monmouth Washington’s army attacks British forces under Sir Henry Clinton near Monmouth, New Jersey. This is an attempt of defeat the British Army before they can finish their retreat to New York. Unfortunately the battle ends in a draw.
  • France sends aid

    France sends aid
    After declaring war on Britain French sends help to America. The help came in the form of a French fleet commanded by the Comte d’Estaing arrived off the Atlantic coast. This massive favor granted America ships, troops, and weapons to aid in the fight on the British.
  • Burgoyne’s army is left vaunerable

    British General Burgoyne suffered a major loss after making a massive mistake. Burgoyne left his army compleatly vaunerable. British suffered the consequences of leaving Burgoyne’s army exposed near Saratoga, New York when an American force under General Horatio Gates defeated them at Freeman’s Farm.
  • Burgoyne surrenders

    After his tremendous failure General Burgoyne realizes he has no chance. So on October 7th 1778 General Burgoyne surrendered his remaining forces to America. This was a tremendous victory for America and also showed that the British are also careless at times.
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    Siege of Charleston

    After the British were pushed out of Philadelphia by Washington they decided to capture the Southern Colonies. They decide to attack South Carolina. After six weeks, Major General Benjamin Lincoln surrendered his forces to the British. This is seen as one of the worst American defeats of the war.
  • Battle of King’s Mountain

    Battle of King’s Mountain
    A battle between Patriot and Loyalist armies. Ending in a massive Patriot victory. This battle was so large that it is sometimes reffered to as "the war’s largest all-American fight".
  • Battle of Cowpens

    Battle of Cowpens
    Brigadier General Daniel Morgan attacked a British Army of 1,100 soldiers with 2,000 soldiers. General Daniel Morgan defeated the British force which was led by Colonel Banastre Tarleton at Cowpens, South Carolina. Though Tarleton and 159 other men escaped.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    Seen as the final major battle of the Revolutionary war. After America won this battle everyone saw that America was going to win the war. General Cornwallis was forced to surrender his entire army to Washington.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Britain formally recognized the independence of the United States in the Treaty of Paris. This was an important event in history because this was the official end of the war and when we became the USA. The treaty was drafted on November 30 1782 and was effective on May 12 1784.
  • Treaties with France and Spain

    Treaties with France and Spain
    Britain signs peace treaties with France and Spain. Collectively known as the Peace of Paris. These treaties, along with the Treaty of Paris, ended the war.