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Revolutionary War

  • John Locke ( Social Contract & Natural Rights )

    Locke believed that people were naturally free and had equal rights. The social contract was where the colonists gave up some of their rights for a better government.
  • George Washington

    George Washington was the Commander in Cheif of the Army. After taxes were raised he decided to gain independence from England. He was a delegate of the First Continental Congress. His troops lacked all sorts of things such as supplies or strength. Washington led them in the right direction.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence. He also served as the governor of Virginia and in the Virginia Legislature and continental congress.
  • Second Continental Congress

    This was the representation of the first self-government and was in place to govern the American colonies. They met to make a decision about the war. They worked on the Declaration of Independence and were the people who protested taxes.
  • Lexington & Concord

    This was the first fight of the Revolutionary war. This is where the British went to capture Samuel Adams and John Hancock and also went to destroy the weapons.
  • Bunker Hill

    This event occured during the blockade of Boston. The British planned to attack Bunker Hill which is what caused this fight.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    This was the final attempt from the colonists to keep the war from happening. This is where the colonists stated their loyalty to the British and stated their rights.
  • Declaration of Independence

    This is where the colonists are declaring independence from Britain. This was adopted by the Continental Congress. The thirteen colonies gained this independence.
  • Trenton

    Washington decided to attack Trenton because of the Hessian group that was there. Washington hoped that winning the battle would promote the army.
  • French and English Enlightenment

    Enlightenment focused on equal rights. These ideas came from Americans and went into the Declaration of Independence. These ideas were also what started the revolution.
  • Valley Forge

    This is where Washington created a camp and made his army better. He could also keep an eye on the British. When the troops arrived they were cold, hungry, and had poor health.
  • Saratoga

    These battles convinced the French that the Americans had actual strength. This also got the Americans aid and help.
  • Princeton

    This was highly unexpected for both parties. This was also a battle to increase the status of Washington's army. Washington received word of Cornwall at Princeton. This is where the British lost control of New Jersey. This also helped Americans believe they would win.
  • France

    The Treaty of Amity had the view of the Americans being independent. This also allowed the French to give help to the Americans. The French would be allowed to overcome the British.
  • Cowpens

    Americans won this fight and had left almost 300 dead and wounded. They came to realize they could win
  • Yorktown

    The British surrendered and Washington was going to continue fighting until they agreed to his terms. The Treaty of Paris was what led to them coming to an end
  • Treaty of Paris

    The British gave up their ownership of many properties such as the Mississipi river. This was the end of the war