Battle of Lexington and Concord
The first battle between the British and Americans in the Revolutionary war. The British had heard of a stash of weapons in Concord. When they made it to Lexington 70 minutemen were waiting for them. It is not known who fired the first shot but it is refered to as the shot heard round the world. The British deafeated the militia and marched onward to Concord. When they arrived the at Concord the weapons were gone. This is when Patriot marksmen jumped out and attacked, winning the battle -
Period: to
Revolutionary War
Battle of Bunker Hill
The Battle of Bunker Hill is when Patriots entrenched themselves in breeds hill next to a British position. After the Americans threatned British General William Howe he chose to charge up the hill with his troops. The Americans fired on the British killing most of them and making the rest retreat. The British regrouped and charged once more again being defeated by the Americans. The British charged a third time, this time the the Americans were low on ammo so they had to retreat. -
Battle of Long Island
George Washington anticipated an attack by the British on New York so he moved the Continental Army into the strategic point. On August 26 the British began their attack. Washington's army spread out in fortified positions across New York and held their own against the British. That night British recieved intelligence of an undefended pass into New York. They took this chance and invaded New York driving out the Americans and capturing the city for the British. -
Battle of Trenton
After a devastating loss in New York, Washington planned an attack on the Hessian garrison in the town of Trenton. Washington's army of cannons and men crossed the icy Delaware river on Christmas night. When Washington arrived at the garrison he split his men up and they flanked the sides of the fort as the cannons fired on the fort. The Hessians were unprepared for the attack easily being defeated by Washington's army. -
Battle of Saratoga
The Battle of Saratoga started with British General John Burgoyne's victory at Fort Ticonderoga. He was on a long campaign mission to meet up with General Howe's army so they could defeat Washington's army. Burgoyne's progress was slowed because he carried with him and his army 30 carts carrying his personal possessions. When Burgoyne arrived in Saratoga Patriots were waiting for him and outnumbered his army by 2 to 1. Eventually Burgoyne surrendered after losing the battle. -
Valley Forge
Washington marched into Valley Forge with an army of 14,000. They camped their and treated it as a military base and housing for soliders. Very few soliders had shoes. Some soliders didn't even have a full set of clothing. Smallpox and dysentery was spread through unclean water, food and over all living conditions. Things turned for the better though when a Prussian drill master Baron Friedrich von Steuben taught the soliders order discipline and hygeine. -
Battle of Yorktown
With American forces combining with the French on Chesapeake Bay the Americans were stronger than ever and ready to end the war. British General Cornwallis ,who was waiting for support from General Clinton, was surrounded by Washington and Rochambeau's army's was then mercilessly shelled by the French Navy. The British quickly surrendered sealing victory for American troops. -
Treaty of Paris
The treaty of Paris ended The Revolutionary War and negotiated peace between America and Great Britain. Congress sent John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, and Henry Laurens to negotiate between Britain and America.