Lexington And Concord
They British fought the minutemen with 700 troops then there was a miss fire and 8 minutemen were killed 10 were injured with the british only getting one wounded -
Bunker Hill
It was supposed to be the biggest battle in the war between the colonist and british and the british sent 2400 troops up the hill and they lost 1000 troops by the end of the battle while the colonist only lost 450. -
New York Battle
A big battle with 32,000 british troops going to new york to take the land and on christmas day they risked 2,400 troops to take over Philadelphia. -
Capture Of Trenton
It was the battle that George Washington led against the continental army they led 2,400 men toward trenton but then the hessians let their guard down which allowed Washington fiercely attack and made half the hessians surrendered. -
The Saratoga was supposed to be the most important battle until they were forced to surrender because he had forgot that half of his officers were too busy defending Philadelphia. -
Winning The War!
Marquis help train the continental army and was the french reinforcement and had connections with virginia and had help from the European military leaders. -
Henry Clinton and Charles Cornwallis captured Charles Town then Clinton left to New York while Cornwallis kept hold of the land and traveled to the south. Cornwallis wanted to leed his army of 7,500 to james and york rivers and camp at YorkTown -
Philadelphia Changes
When the troops came home from the war they got their month's pay. and when the troops went to war the wives had to step into the men's shoes to manage the farms, business, and the household. -
Valley Forge
Valley Forge was where the colonial army stayed because they were low on food and supplies and they were losing a lot of troops and they were going low on gold and silver so they started to use the paper money. -
Was a peace treaty that ended all the wars in the United States the delegates were John Adams, John Jay, and Benjamin Franklin. In september 1783 they signed to make United States an independent country and set boundaries.