French Alliance
On this date, the US and France sign the French Alliance because the French government regarded the American Revolution as an opportunity to weaken the British Empire. -
Henry Clinton takes control
Henry Clinton took control of General William Howe's army when Howe resigned over protest in British war policy. -
Battle of Monmouth
Led by George Washington and Charles Lee which took place a few days after Valley Forge. Washington sent Lee with 5,000 men to assault the British at Monmouth courthouse and ultimitally ending the battle in a draw. -
Battle of Rhode Island
The day after loosing 30, 138 wounded, and 44 missing soldiers thw American forces left Aquidneck Island to Tyberton and Bristol, which improved from their situation, General Sullivan got mad with them and wrote dirty letters to Congress. Then later on, George Washington and Congress worked to keep the French Alliance going. -
Battle of Stony Point
The American victory here, was the last major battle in the north. Clinton's plan to defeat the Continentals and end the war had failed. Three days later, Washington abonded Stony Point because he couldn't spare the men that occupied the fort. -
Battle of Savanah
In the Battle of Savannah, there were 244 killed, 584 wounded, and 120 captured soldiers. Lincoln pressed to continue the siege, but d'Estaing was unwilling to further risk his fleet. On October 18, the siege was abandoned and d'Estaing left the area. When the French left, Lincoln retreated back to Charleston with his army. The defeat was a blow to the newly established alliance and greatly encouraged the British strategy. -
Siege of Charlesto
Abraham Lincoln lost 92, 148 wounded, and 5,266 captured soldiers during this battle. This defeat was a disaster for the American forces in the south which saw the elimination of the Continental Army. -
Battle of Waxhaws
During this American defeat, Colonel Abraham Buford lost 113, 150 wounded, and 53 captured soldiers while the British didn't hardly get a scratch. The loss became a rallying cry in the regions which made others join the Patriots and others make small militias in other regions. -
Battle of Springfield
This was the last major battle of the war in the North. The British never tried to attempt to take New Jersey after this huge defeat. -
Battle of Camden
This was a huge defeat by Major General Horatio Gates who lost 800 and wounded soldiers and also another 1,000 captured. His other general, de Kalb, died as well who died 3 days later after being cared for. -
Battle of Kings Mountain
The British were defeated and out numbered by the Americans and also by the small militias in the mountains that came from the aftermath of the Battle of Waxhaws. During this a young boy had a custom rifle and if his men all had it too then this defeat would've changed. -
Articles of Confederation
All thirteen states finally ratify the constution which then created a loose confederation of sovereign states and a weak central government, leaving most of the power with the state governments. -
Surrender at Yorktown
General Cornwallis expected 8,000 British troops at Yorktown but they never arrived. They then surrendered and so George Washington had gotten the best chance to defeat the worlds largest empire. -
Treaty of paris of 1783
Also called they Paris Peace Treaty, formally ended the US's war of Independence. -
George Washington resigned as Commander
Comander-in-chief and Army general George Washington, retires to Mount Vernon, Virginia.