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Revolutionary War 1775 - 1783

  • The Battle of Lexington and Concord.

    The Battle of Lexington and Concord.
    The Battle of Lexington was the first battle of the Revolution, it started it all. The Battle of Lexington and Concord happened April 19th, 1775 in Massachusetts. The British heard that the Americans were hiding weapons and they took it as a threat. On this day, British troops stormed into the Boston Harbor to try and seize military weapons from the Patriots from the towns of Lexington and Concord, first Lexington than Concord. The colonists had to use militias against them. The colonists won.
  • Battle of Fort Ticonderoga

    Battle of Fort Ticonderoga
    The Battle of Fort Ticonderoga happened May 5, 1775 in New York. Fort Ticonderoga was held by the British, but on May 5th, Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold planned a surprise sneak attack to take over the Fort with the help of the a patriot militia group named the Green Mountain Boys. America won this battle and captured Fort Ticonderoga. The patriots gained all the important weaponry and booze stored in the fort.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    This was the first MAJOR battle and it helped America gain the strength it needed. To try and get an advantage against the colonists, the British decided to take 2 hills, Bunker Hill and Breed's Hill. What happened was the British attacked the colonists at Bunker Hill with the intention of capturing the city of Boston but the colonists didn't allow that. Although the British technically won, the colonists gained a lot of confidence from this battle.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    Common Sense was a 47 page pamphlet, written by Thomas Paine, was meant to show why we, colonists, should gain independence from the British. He called it Common Sense because he thought that people should use their common sense when coming to the decision of independence. The pamphlet was a big success and sold around 500,000 copies.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence is a document written by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert R. Livingston, and John Hancock about how America is declaring their independence from Britain. Within the document are reasons why Great Britain is holding America back from its true potential. Clearly, today we know that it worked.
  • Battle of Long Island

    Battle of Long Island
    The Battle of Long Island was Great Britain's attempt to capture New York. During this battle, George Washington and his army fought against the British army to protect New York, but he failed and the British took over New York. The reason the British wanted New York was so they could have the Hudson River and separate New England from all the other colonies.
  • Washington Crosses the Delaware

    Washington Crosses the Delaware
    When Washington crossed the Delaware River, he brought a small army of men to help him launch an attack on Hessians. Hessians were hired German soldiers who were hired to fight for the British. Washington and his army marched all the way over to New Jersey, which then led to the Battle of Trenton.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    The Battle of Trenton happened in Trenton, New Jersey. During this battle, Washington and his army fought an army of Hessians and won. This was the first war that Washington and his army won. It also helped boost America's confidence, which helped bring more men to enlist.
  • Battle of Princeton

    Battle of Princeton
    The Battle of Trenton and Battle of Princeton pretty much go hand in hand together. During the Battle of Princeton, George Washington defeated an army of British troops in Princeton, New Jersey. America won and yet again gained more morale and confidence.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The Battle of Saratoga was fought 18 days apart. The first part of the battle was on Freeman's Farm. Daniel Morgan and 500 other men killed 600 British soldiers, but the British took over the land. The second part of the battle was at Bemis Heights. Bemis Heights was where the Americans had set up their defenses. Then, the British trued to attack on them again but failed and lost 600 soldiers again. The British surrendered October 17th, 1777.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    The Winter at Valley Forge was brutal to say the least. From 177 to 1778 the American army was stationed at Valley Forge. Hundreds out of thousands of solders died due to disease and hunger. There were shortages of food, medicine, shelter, blankets, and clothes, which was what made everything worse.
  • Treaty of Amity and Commerce / Treaty of Alliance

    Treaty of Amity and Commerce / Treaty of Alliance
    The Treaty of Amity and Commerce was a peace treaty between America and France. Within the treaty was promoted trade between the two countries. The Treaty of Alliance was a treaty also between France and America about their alliance against Britain.
  • Battle of Charleston

    Battle of Charleston
    The Battle of Charleston is considered the worst loss from America in all of the Revolutionary War. During the Battle of Charleston, the British tried to take over Charleston, as a part of their master plan to take over all the large ports in the south. After 6 weeks of Charleston being under the British wing, America surrendered causing the British to win.
  • Battle of Springfield

    Battle of Springfield
    During the Battle of Springfield, the British came to Morristown where they were met with the Continental Army on the Galloping Hill Bridge. They fought and fought, but in the end America won and they had their comeback from the Battle of Charlestown.
  • Battle of Camden, SC

    Battle of Camden, SC
    The night before the battle, the Continental Army suffered from bad dysentery, but they still fought the battle the next day. Although the Continental Army had much more soldier than the British, to the best of their ability they tried to fight, but they couldn't. This was one of the worst losses from America in the whole Revolution. The British now had control over all the south colonies.
  • Battle of Cowpens

    Battle of Cowpens
    During the Battle of Cowpens, the British tried to capture South Carolina as part of their master plan and the British and America fought at the northern border of South Carolina. This battle was a mass casualty for the British because they lost about 600 soldiers, when the US only lost about 72. This was a big victory for America, which meant more confidence in winning the war.
  • Battle of Kings Mountain

    Battle of Kings Mountain
    This battle was the first battle that America had won since the whole Charleston debacle, so it was pretty significant. During this war, Patriot and Loyalist militias fought at Kings Mountain in South Carolina. The Patriots had an astonishing win and this war is considered one of the biggest all American battles of all time. This convinced a lot of colonists to become Patriots.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    The Battle of Yorktown was the last battle fought in the Revolutionary War. During this battle, fought in Virginia, the British were sent there to protect the lower Chesapeake Bay, but the US wasn't going to let that happen. After 3 weeks of war, the British surrendered to America. This meant that America had won the Revolutionary War.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was the document that ended the Revolutionary War. It was a peace agreement signed by Britain, the U.S., France and Spain. Within the document France gave up all its territories in North America and it also established borders in each country. This document finally really recognized the US as an independent nation.