Revolutionary War 1775 - 1783

  • Battle of Lexington / Concord

    Battle of Lexington / Concord
    This was the first official Battle of the Revolutionary war. The "shot heard around the world" would kick off many hard and long fought battles but this was the first. The British retreated after they were under heavy fire and America chased them during their journey. This was a win for the colonists and lead them to many more victories.
  • Battle of Fort Ticonderoga

    Battle of Fort Ticonderoga
    After the battle of Lexington and concord the British fled back to Boston to regroup. But what they didn't know is that the colonists followed them back and found their fort which was in Ticonderoga. Than during the middle of the night the colonists when in their and took over the fort and made the British flee! This was the first offensive win for the colonists which served as a morale booster.
  • Battle of bunker hill

    Battle of bunker hill
    The battle of bunker hill is a battle in which the colonists found out that the British were planning to send troops to the hills.After hearing this the British sent nearly 1000 men to bunker hill where the British were. They were low on ammo so leader William Prescott said "don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes!” This proved to be true because the colonists ended up running out of ammo and fleeing the battle.
  • Common sense

    Common sense
    This 47 page pamphlet described all the problems with the British. It showed the colonists they were not having any benefits at all from the British. And honestly at that point they would've been better off on their own. The british have not benifited them and have only done things like tax and and cause them problems. This document helped lead to the colonists independance later on.
  • Siege of boston

    Siege of boston
    This fight also happened on bunker hill and actually ended up in Britain's favor at first. They defeated a non experienced colonial that lead to many casualties. Then later into the battle leader George Washington showed up and everything changed. the British were forced to flee and ended up leaving.
  • Declaration Of independance

    Declaration Of independance
    This was the document that allowed America to have independence from Britain. This document proved why America should be independant and all the laws and freedoms to their country. This is probably the most important document in American history and allowed them to finally be free. This document was very long and listed grievances and reasons why America should be free. This document changed American history forever.
  • Battle of long island