Rev war

Revolutionary War 1775 - 1783

  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    This is the first technical battle of the revolution. This set up the journey towards the colonies complete separation from the British. Lexington and Concord was an interesting conflict between the colonists and Britains attempt at rebellion intervention. This battle started because the colonists were unhappy with the British foreign rule. At first the first encounter the colonists lost. However, once more help arrived, the colonists ambushed the Red Coats on their march back to Boston.
  • Battle of Fort Ticonderoga

    Battle of Fort Ticonderoga
    Led by the now famous traitor Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen, They seized a British controlled fort. This was a strong victory in the eyes of the colonists. In that, not only had they seized the fort, they also seized its weapons and supplies which would prove useful in future battles. The unique victory here at Ticonderoga is what would boost morale, and aide in the victory at Bunker Hill.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    The battle at bunker hill was one of the most prominent in the revolutionary war. This battle was more of a moral success than anything else. In the end the British had conquered the land, but only because of a smart colonial retreat. Meaning, the colonists actually killed five times as many red coats compared to the amount of themselves killed by red coats.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    A 50 page pamphlet that inspired both the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Written by Thomas Paine, the pamphlet outlined the givens in why separation from Great Britain was the best and/or only way for the colonies to thrive and succeed. This pamphlet served an important purpose in influencing the colonial population into an idea that was very young at the time.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was a monumental mark in the history of America. Together the colonies signed a document that stated our rights, Britains wrongs, and our reasons for separation. This was the first legal document stating our leave from Britains tyrannical control. Written most popularly by Thomas Jefferson, the document showed the world we were ready to take on whatever was in the way of our independence.
  • Battle of Long Island

    Battle of Long Island
    This battle was one of the scariest of all, if the now Americans did not escape as they had, the Revolution could have ended right there in long island. This was a close call by all means, but John Glover played a very decisive role. He was able to evacuate the Continental Army right past the British forces. They moved under the cover of a storm after facing a loss to General Howe of the British Army.
  • Washington Crosses the Delaware

    Washington Crosses the Delaware
    Easily one of the most iconic moments of the Revolutionary War, Washington crosses the Delaware River to advance an attack Trenton. Famous pictures depict the icy and treacherous conditions they moved through.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    An astonishing victories for Nathanael Greene and George Washington. Especially after Washington crossed the very dangerous Delaware River. The Battle of Trenton led to a turn of the tides in the Revolutionary War.
  • Battle of Princeton

    Battle of Princeton
    Once again Greene and Washington have victory for Colonial America. Shortly after their victory in Trenton they move towards Princeton and make steady advances to further americas position in the war.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    A true turning point in the war, the Battle of Saratoga was an astounding victory for the Americans. The major twist at this point in time was that now the French had sided with the Americans and supported their advances against Britain. This ultimately led to the surrendering of British general John Burgoyne, at the hands of American general Horatio Gates.
  • Treaty of Amity and Commerce/Treaty of Alliance

    Treaty of Amity and Commerce/Treaty of Alliance
    The French were defeated by the British with the help of the colonies in the Seven-Year War and lost North American territory. France supporting American independence was a way to get back to Britain without being involved in a direct war. America gained a valuable ally with a powerful military.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    Dec 19, 1777 - Jun 19, 1778
    20 miles from Philadelphia, Valley Forge presented a strategic location that allowed Washington's army to stay close to the city while maintaining a defensible position that offered access to clean water and firewood.
  • Battle of Charleston

    Battle of Charleston
    The British left New York City with a fleet of more than 13,500 soldiers and sailors. They planned to rendezvous with a force and march overland to Charleston. Defending the city was a grossly outnumbered American army.
  • Battle of Springfield

    Battle of Springfield
    British forces attempted an invasion of New Jersey in the spring, speculating that local residents, fatigued by the war, would welcome them. They intended to capture the strategic Hobart Gap, enabling a march on American headquarters in Morristown. As it turned out, George Washington had held his general headquarters in Springfield until the day before but left the defense to General Greene. Their goal of reaching Morristown was thwarted. This was the last invasion of the British into New Jersey
  • Battle of Camden, SC

    Battle of Camden, SC
    A very low point in the war for the south. This battle was a humiliating defeat for the Americans and left North Carolina completely vulnerable to British invasion and attack.
  • Battle of Cowpens

    Battle of Cowpens
    The Battle took place in South Carolina. This defeat was the worst for the British since Saratoga in 1777. It was a Great moral success in the south especially since they were the ones who got on board last (In reference to the signing of the Declaration of Independence).
  • Battle of Kings Mountain

    Battle of Kings Mountain
    A smaller battle in South Carolina, but it still led to higher morale in the south and ultimately, a better position in the war.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    The most decisive Battle in the Revolution. Success here led to overall victory in the war. The battle was both land and sea as Americans and Frenchman drove British Naval Vessels out of Chesapeake Bay. This made it obvious to the British that continuing their fight would result in massive capital loss and monumental tragedy for British Militaries.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris brought peace between Britain and the US. It was the formal close to the Revolutionary War and the colonies were finally free. It was the Battle of Yorktown that technically brought a close to the war but this is when we really see it in writing. The continental congress chose five representatives to negotiate terms.