Revolutionary War 1775-1783

  • Battle at Lexington and Concord

    Battle at Lexington and Concord
    The Battle at Lexington and Concord kicked off the American Revolutionary war. An arguement between the colonist and British started this fight, and soon intense fire between both sides emerged. No one knows who shot first. British went into Concord to look for weapons not knowing they have been relocated. The American won this war, and it was a start of the American Revolution.
  • Battle of Fort Ticonderoga

    Battle of Fort Ticonderoga
    Fort Ticonderoga was a fort located upstate New York between Lake Champlain, and Lake George. The Green Mountain boys, was a malitia that didn't want to fight under Colonel Arnold, but then eventually Ethan Allen and Arnold agreed to a joint command. Rather than waiting Ethan decided to attack. They entered and took 48 British Soldiers by surprise. Americans had control of the fort, and was used to defend New York from a British attack. The British attack was too much to handle, the British won.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill was not actually fought on Bunker Hill. Most of the fighting occurred on nearby Breed's Hill. The American forces learned that the British were planning on taking over the hills around Boston in order to gain a tactical advantage. As a result of this information, the Americans secretly moved their troops onto Bunker and Breed's Hill. The next day, when the British realized what had happened, the British attacked and won with a cost to it.
  • Common sense

    Common sense
    Thomas Paine wrote a 47 page pamphlet declaring independence from England. He encouraged the Americans that they weren't British and shouldn't live under them. By the end of the American Revolution over 500,000 copies were sold, and still to this day it is an iconic piece in history.
  • Siege of Boston

    Siege of Boston
    Siege of Boston was a successful siege by American troops of the British-held city of Boston during the American Revolution. New England was able to make sure British Army didn't have a steady movement out of Boston. This not only showed that America had strength, but also they had pride in what they believed for.
  • Declaration of Independance

    Declaration of Independance
    This was a document written by Thomas Jefferson establishing America as a free and Independent State. This document states that the people have Life Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. It also says "All men are created equal. We today celebrate this with the holiday known as 4th of July.
  • Battle of Long Island

    Battle of Long Island
    This was the first, and largest battle that took place after the declaration of independence. After being forced out the British came back, to long island forcing the Americans to play defense. The British won and instead of sacrificing bodies they thought the Americans couldn't escape but they did. Still a British win, and they stayed in control of New York. The Americans suffered around 1000 casualties including 300 killed. Around 1,000 Americans were also captured.
  • Washington crosses the Delaware

    Washington crosses the Delaware
    Without crossing the Delaware the victory at Trenton would've been impossible. It was in Trenton where he got the Continental Army their first victory in the war.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    After crossing the river in a terrible storm Washington rallied his army had a surprise attack on the British. He defeated the Hessian Mercenaries before they could withdraw. The Hessian force was drunk from christmas so it was much easier for Washington. This improved everyones attitude, and belief. This win also showed Washington is a capable leader and the colonial army is capable of winning when uniting together,
  • Battle of Princeton

    Battle of Princeton
    Cornwallis came with 8,000 British redcoats to challenge the 5,000 army men that had control of areas around Philadelphia. Washington knew better than to engage and Cornwallis knew he was trying to escape, but he didn't know which route Washington was going to take. Instead of going to the Delaware River, Washington snuck around to the British side, and outnumbered a British guard 5 to 1. Instead of retaking NJ they focused on forces between New Brunswick, and the Atlantic Coast.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    Burgoyne way to defeat the American colonies was to separate them. Burgoyne lead his army south from Lake Champlain to Albany, New York. General Howe would move along the Hudson river, they met in Albany. They recaptured Fort Ticonderoga then split up. Howe went to Philadelphia and Burgoyne was alone. In Bennington the British lost 500 soldiers then in the battle of Freemen's Farm and Battle of Bemis Heights, they got destroyed and had to retreat. Winning led to Military support from the French.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    Washington moved the Army to Valley Forge. From defeats and British taking Philadelphia, the military was physically worn out. By the time the army got to Valley Forge sicknesses were happening more often, hunger, and fatigue got the best of them. Not only physically they were out, but basic needs ran out like food, clothes, and shelter.
  • Treaty of Amity and Commerce, Treaty of Alliance

    Treaty of Amity and Commerce, Treaty of Alliance
    The Treaty of Amity and Commerce was what really started the promotion of trade between France and United States. This was also one of the first times America was recognized as independant. The Treaty of Alliance was an organized alliance against Great Britian. This alliance was between the French and Colonists. This was an agreement that if a war broke out the two nations would work together,
  • Battle of Charleston

    Battle of Charleston
    The British tried to take over a port in South Carolina. The Americans were outnumbered by roughly 7,500 men. Benjamin Lincoln lead Americans, while Henry Clinton lead British Navy. The British used the Loyalist to try to contain the patriot population. British demanded that Americans surrendered on may 8th, but General Lincoln wanted to negotiate on better terms. The British bombarded the soldiers on may 9th. General Lincoln surrendered giving the victory to the British.
  • Battle of Springfield

    Battle of Springfield
    At Springfield NJ British forces attempted an invasion of New Jersey in the spring of 1780, speculating that local residents, fatigued by the war, would welcome them. American troops, and New Jersey militia, decided to take a stand in Springfield. The British goal of reaching Morristown was prevented and the Battle of Springfield marked the last invasion of the British into New Jersey. This was one of the last major engagements, and put an end to British ambitions in New Jersey
  • Battle of Camden

    Battle of Camden
    After capturing Charleston in May 1780, British forces under General Charles Lord Cornwallis established a supply at Camden as part of their effort to secure control of the South Carolina backcountry. American Horatio Gates marched his army into South Carolina, intent on liberating the state from British control. Gates made a critical error in his deployment. When the British noticed they took advantage with bayonets, forcing Americans to run giving them a victory.
  • Battle of Cowpens

    Battle of Cowpens
    At the Battle of Cow Pens the British had planned to focus on the south, and make a larger loyalist population. American troops with Brigadier General Daniel Morgan as leader defeated British forces under Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton. This battle weakened British attempts to take over the southern colonies from American control. The Americans got the best of the British, and the battle was a turning point in the war’s Southern campaign.
  • Battle of King Mountain

    Battle of King Mountain
    The British successfully took Charlestown. There was no one to stop British from making strong holds in South Carolina. The Americans hit and ran the British soldiers leaving Ferguson angry, so he sent a message leaving the Patriots so mad they want action. Because British had high ground shots were fired too high. This leads the Patriots to take advantage. Patrick Ferguson died along with 1,000 loyalists, and the Americans won which changed the tide completely.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    British were forced to retreat to Atlantic coast to maintain communication with the British army. The Army was left isolated, and naval blockade in Chesapeake Bay was formed. George Washington ordered Cornwallis to not leave the town. He then fooled the British by making them think an attack against NYC was going to happen, but him and his Russian ally moved their 8,000 men to Virginia. They then surrounded Yorktown, and took over. Cornwallis surrendered and the Americans formed independence.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was signed in Paris established United States as an independent Nation. This also officially ended the American Revolution and presented a new opportunity for the United States.