The second continental congress meets
They second continteal congress meets to form a continental army -
Common Sense
Thomas Paine Makes this book to try to persude the people to delcare independence from Great Britain -
The American Crisis
Thomas Paine Makes yet another pahlet in a small print ammount and talks about seperetion from the crowd -
British retreat from boston
After getting heavy weapons from fort ticonderoga the britsh retreat from boston and the americans win it back while general howe faces a defeat -
Declaration Of Indepedence
The year america beacomes a country by making a document to delcare indepedence -
Battle of long island
This battles just as many others in the year of 1776 was a defeat for washington and his continental army -
Battle of trenton
This small put very important battle was a easy vicotry for the americans and inceased morale and supplies amoung the troops -
Battle of Saratoga
The battle of sraratoga was a strtigecly planned battle by the british but after some mishpas and loses the british losed all chance of seprating the colonies and winning the war. -
Valley forge
Washington settles down in philidelphia in a place known as valley forge while thier people get thier feet amputed from gangrene. Malnurished and weak they walk around shoeless with no supplies.