Revolutionary War

  • Period: to

    Revolutionary War

  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    At the end of the French and Indian War, the British and French came to a conclusion that the British would gain all of the French territory east of the Mississippi River, and Spain would gain all the land west of the Mississippi River.
  • Proclomation of 1763

    Proclomation of 1763
    When King George III followed british blame for the French Territory opf the French and Indian War. This made it so settlers couldn't go past the Appalachian Mountains to live.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Imposed a direct tax by the British directly targeting the American Colonies, and it taxed many printing materials.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    This act made it legal for a milatary takeover. The British amry came to the Americas and took over every where making it for every for men, there was one British soldier.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    A bunch of acts that were past to torture the British Colonies by a man named Charles Townshend.
  • Boston Massare

    Boston Massare
    This was a killing of five colonists by the hands of the British army. The colonists had lost their jobs and blamed the British. The British were here to inforce the heavy tax made by the Townshend Act.
  • Abigail Adams

    Abigail Adams
    She was the second president, John Adams, wife. When John Adams was gone for his many trips to the Contental Congress. She had to raise two children all by herself.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Sons of Liberty dumped millions of tea into the Boston Harbor in order to show the boycotte of tax the Americans didn't like.
  • Sons of Liberty

    Sons of Liberty
    They were a group of American Patriots who were sworn to protect the rights of the colonists. They were best known for their act in the Boston Tea Party.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    These acts were a bunch of acts focused on Massachusetts in order to tax the colonies. Intolerable Acts was the patriots name for them.
  • First Contental Congress

    First Contental Congress
    It was a convention of well respected people of twelve colonies (Georgia wasn't there). It happened at Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was in repsonce to the Intolerable Act.
  • Sam Adams

    Sam Adams
    Samuel Adams was a patriot who was one of the founding fathers of the United States. He was part of the Contenental Congress and particapated in many ways to make Britians taxes less.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    Lexington and Concord was the first milatary engagement of Revolutionary War. British travelled along Middlesex County to campture people starting a rebellion.
  • Paul Revere

    Paul Revere
    He warned the people of Lexington and Concord of the British coming for attack, so the colonists got an army together and sent the British back to Boston.
  • Declaration of Independance

    Declaration of Independance
    This made that the land of the colonies were there own country and had representation over their own land.
  • Loyalists

    They were people infarver in staying with the British as colonies
  • Patriots

    The patriots were the settlers of the 13 colonies that rebelled against the British control.
  • John Adams

    John Adams
    John Adams, known for being the second president of the United States, helped much with the developing of the new country. He helped Thomas Jefferson make the Decleration of Independance, and he was an active part in the Contental Congress. He protested slavery all throughout his life, and he never bought a slave.
  • Thomas Paine

    Thomas Paine
    He was a political activists during the Revolutionary War. He was the one who influenced the Americans to gain independance from Britian.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    He was the 3rd president of the United States, and he wrote the Declaration of Independance.
  • George Washinton

    George Washinton
    He was the first president of the United States. He was the
    known for his job in being the general for the American Revolution. Hi best known battle was the Battle of Trenton where they sailed across the Delaware River.
  • Hessians

    They are german mercanaries who were hired by the British Empire. They were best known for their fight in the Battle of Trenton, which they lost.
  • Benedict Arnold

    Benedict Arnold
    He was a general during the American Revolution. He later turned sides and joined the British. He injured his leg during the Battle of Saratoga.
  • Battle of Sartoga

    Battle of Sartoga
    This battle of the Revolutionary War was a turning point. General John Burgoyne lost 5,895, which is 86% of his army and Hessian merconaries.
  • Martha Washington

    Martha Washington
    She is known for being George Washington, and she got George rich by marriaging him.
  • Siege of Yorktown

    Siege of Yorktown
    It was a victory by the Contental Army led by George Washington and the French Army led by Comte de Rochambeau. They defeated Lord Conrwallis. This was the last major battle of the Revolutionary War.
  • Charles Cornwallis

    Charles Cornwallis
    He was a general for Fort William. He lost his battle in The Battle of Yorktown to Geroge Washington.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This document ended the Revolutionary War.