Early 1776
Still bitter from his defeat by the British in the Frencha nd Indian War, the French had secretly sent weapons tot he patriots.The Saratoga victory bolstered trust from the French. -
Seizing New York
The British had previously rertreated from Boston. They moved the war to the middle states as a part of their plan to stop the rebellion by isolating New England, the seized New York City. -
Summer 1776
Brothers, General William Howe and Admiral Richard Howe, joined forces on Staten Island. They sailed into New York harbor with the largest Britsh expeditionary force ever assmebled at 32,000 soldiers. -
August 1776
The Battle Of New York ended in late August with an American retreat following heavy losses. Michael Graham, a continental Army volunteer, described the chaotic withdrawl. -
Battle At Trenton
Washington was willing to risk many, when he planned a surprised attack on the Hessians on Christmas. They ended up winning this witha victory they will never forget. -
December 31
The British had pushed Washintons's army doen the Delaware River to Pennsylvania. Many of Washinton's men were deserted killed or captured. -
Seizing American Capitol
General Howe began his campaign to seize the American Capital at Philadelphia, his troops sailed from New York to the head of Chesapeake Bay and landed near the capitol in late August. -
American troops surouned British General Burgoyne at Saratoga. He surrendered his battered army to General Gates. -
Valley Forge
At Valley Forge, outside Philadelphia served as the camp site for the continental army, they huddled in makeshift huts in the freezing cold while british troops occupied warm homes.This was a low point for general washington and his troops, but gave americans more hopoe of winning. -
More Victory's for the Americans
Americans had yet and estonishing victory against 1,200 British stationed at Princetown.The Americans were very encuraged by these victories. -
French joins the Revolution
The French recognized American Independance and signed a alliance, or trety of sooperation, with the Americans. This was great for the Americans because they only got stronger. -
February 1778
In the midst of the frozen winter at Valley Froge, American Troops began a transformation. Fredirich Von Stenben trained the troops from country bumkins to regular soldiers. -
Summer of 1778
British began to shift their operations South. they hoped to gain loyolaist support, and reclaim their former colonies in the region. -
End Of 1778
A British expedition easily took Savannah, Georgia over. -
Spring 1779
A royal governor once again took command at georgia as the British shited Southward in the American colonies. -
Marquis de Lafayette
A military leader Marquis de Lafayette, joined Washingtons staff and bore missery at Valley Forge, lobbied French reinforcemnets and led command in Virginia in the last years of the war. -
Britian Greatest Victory
In their greatest victory the British captured Charolettetown, South Carolina. They marched 5,500 American soldiers off as prisoners of war. -
General Harry Clinton, sailed south with 8,500 men. -
Gaining a little help from the dark side
Cornwallis's command in the south succeeded. African Americans who escaped from their patriot owners earned freedom fighting in the war for the British. -
Cornwallis is smashing
Cornwallis's army smashed American forces at Camden,South Carolina. -
May look weak
When the forces met a cowpnes, South Carolina, the British expected the outnumbered Americans to flee but the Continental Army faught back.They forced the redcoats to surrender. -
Cornwallis' Anger helps
Angered by the defeat at Cowpens, Cornwallis attacked Greene later at Gailford Court House in North Carolina.He won but it cost a fouth of his troops. -
Greene's worries
Greene weakened the British, but he worried about the fight for the south.He wrote a letter to Lafayette to ask for help. -
Superintendant of Finance
The congress pointed out a rich philadelphia merchant, Robert Morris, as superintendant of finance -
Troops get paid
Due to the efforts of Morris and Salomon, the troops wer finally paid in specie, or gold coin for their efforts put into fighting for American. -
Cornwallis raises his flag
The seige lasted about 3 weeks. With outnumbered troops Cornwallis raises the white flag. -
Another Surrender
Colonial Williams Fontaine of Virginia militia stood with American and French Armies lining a road near York town, to witness the formal British surrender. -
British Surrender
A triumphat Washington, the French Generals, and their troops assembled to accept the British surrender. -
Peace Talks
Peace talks in Paris began, representatives of 4 nations, U.S, France, Britain, and Spain were in negotions but each nation looked out for its own interests. -
America is a it's own
The delegates signed the treaty of Paris. This confirmed the U.S's independance and set its boundaries