Revolutionary War

By csiegel
  • Period: to

    War Timeline

  • Lexington and Concorde

    The Americans won this battle using the soldiers called minute men which were men that were called in a moments notice to fight in a battle.
    This was important because it marked the beginning of the American Revolution.
  • Bunker Hill Battle

    The battle took place at Bunker Hill and thats how the battle got it's name. The hill was the objective for both Colony Troops and British Troops.
    The British won this battle. It showed that they could withstand the battle and the only reason they lost is because they ran out of supplies.
  • Dorchester Heights

    This Battle was important because it led them further away independance. The Colonists won because they had cannons set at the top of the hill and had all of th British weapons.
  • Declaration Of Independance

    The decalaration stated that the colonies were free and independant. It pretty much made what was going to happen official.
  • Battle of Long Island

    It was the first battle that the United states engaged. The Americans won this battle and went on to the Siege of Boston.
  • Battle of Trenton

    The Americans crossed the Delaware river and surprised the British at Trenton. The main attack was made by 2,400 American. With that the Americans won the battle of Trenton
  • Battle of Princeton

    Howe sent troops to Trenton to battle the Americans, but the Americans side stepped them and ended up battling in Princeton. This battle was won at the last second by the Americans because the British had to Withdraw to New Brunswick.
  • Battle of Brandywine

    This British won this battle. This is important because it was the loss of Philidelphia and thats where the continental base was
  • Valley Forge

    It was the harsh winter training for the new Colonial Army soldiers.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    The Patriots that won this battle. This was important because it was the last major battle of the war.
  • Treaty of Paris

    A document stating the end of the war. The states were made as an independant country.
  • Union Blockade

    This proclamation was a plan that said that the Union was to block an area consisting of the coastal line of the south and up the Mississippi.