
Revolutionary War

  • General Horatio Gates

    General Horatio Gates
    He was Brigader General and an Adjutant General in the arm he was working on his estate in Virginia when he decide to join the war.
  • Period: to

    The Revolutionary War

  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    This document made King George III very furious with the colonists. This document was the only document of its time. It was the only one in the world at the time. It was written by Thomas Jefferson, really the only person who got credit for it, or the one who got the most credit for writing it. Thomas Jefferson spent 2-4 days writing non-stop, all day, all nigh.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson was born in 1743, Albemarle County, Virginia. Thomas was a planter and surveyor of his land of 5000 arces. The place where he study and learned his amazing skills of the law at the University of William and Mary but, as I said in the declaration point, he was the person who wrote the Declaration of Independence, he spent most of his time working on this document for the two or four days writing.
  • The battle of Valcour Bay

    The battle of Valcour Bay
    Sir Guy Carleton moved his men on lagre ships to Lake Champlain and then down to fort Ticonderoga, but Aronld move to defense and held them back for as long as they could until Carleton decide to withdraw from the area.
  • The crossing of the Delaware

    The crossing of the Delaware
    Geogre Washington once a General who also became America's first president. The idea to cross the Delaware River in the early morning, in below freezing weather, and the river almost frozen over, just to surpise the British. Which turned out to be a very good idea because they won and killed 1000 hessian soldiers.
  • General George Washington

    General George Washington
    Was one of the most famous Generals in the Revolutionary War. He is mostly know for his idea to cross the Delaware River in the early morning in the freezing cold.
  • The Battle of Trenton

    The Battle of Trenton
    This battle took place in the early morning of Christmas. The General of this battle was Washington who was one of the greatest, most inspiring leader of his time. the people who paddle the boat werent people who had enlisted or anything, people who just had woke up and heard about his idea.
  • The battle of Princeton

    The battle of Princeton
    General Howe sent his troops over the Delaware River to trenton to fight the British in Princeton close to trenton. This battle was won by the Americans forcing the Britsh to retreat New Brunswick.
  • Rifling

    Rifling was started because it made the snipers way more accurate than the British in long range battles were they were hiding behind trees and bushes. Before they used smoothbore barrels instead of spirled barrel which spinned the ball so it barely drop on the soldiers who were firing the bullet.
  • Spain joins the war

    Spain joins the war
    They joined the war because of past experience with the British. they took out a whole Armada. Like the french they wanted to join because of their hate from the British and their army.
  • Battle of Oriskiny

    Battle of Oriskiny
    This was an ambush by the British and emeny Native Americans. It happen when a relief force was sent to relieve the spldier when they captured Fort Schuyler.
  • Battle of Bennington

    Battle of Bennington
    This was a major win for the Americans. The New England Militia ambushed them and killed 207 British soldiers and captured 700 of them. The reason they ambushed the british that day was because they need the supplies to fight so they stole of their supplies.
  • The battle of Brandywine

    The battle of Brandywine
    This battle was between the British and hessian soldiers against the American soldiers. This battle was in southeastern Pennslyvianna.
  • The battle of Germantown

    The battle of Germantown
    This battle was right after the seige of Philadelphia. The commanding General was Howe for the british and General Washington was on the other side. This battle was won by the British.
  • The battle of Saratoga

    The battle of Saratoga
    This battle of Saratoga was in Oct. 17, 1777. this was a battle between the British and Greman (hessian) soldiers against American soldier. The Americans forced the British General Burgoyne to surrender. This war was the Turning Point in the war which presuaded the war to the Americans side.
  • France joins the war efforts

    France joins the war efforts
    France joins the war efforts in the Revolutionary War right after The battle of Saratoga. France the war because they hated the french with a passion and want to beat them in the war.
  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge
    This was a place where the Americans stayed all winter because the British had secured Philadelphia. This place was also a training place for the Americans.
  • Benedict Aronld

    Benedict Aronld
    Benedict is mostly know for being the first trader of the Americans. In May of 1779 he started to talk to the British about joining their side. Even though he provided so many wins for the Americans he decide to change sides. That decision became a big mistake because as we all know that the British loss.
  • The battle of Cowpens

    The battle of Cowpens
    The American General Morgan won over the British forces over the control of Colonel Tarleton. the Americans captured all Britsh forces. This happened after the win at Camden.
  • The battle of Yorktown

    The battle of Yorktown
    This Battle was from Sept. 28 to Oct. 19 in 1781, in Virginia, USA. The British surrendered after 20 days of fighting this was consider a win in the Revolutionary War books. This battle was against British with the French and Americans on the other side.
  • A Quote from Thomas Jefferson

    A Quote from Thomas Jefferson
    "Give up money, give up fame, give up science, give the earth itself and all it contains rather than do an immoral act. And never suppose that in any possible situation, or under any circumstances, it is best for you to do a dishonorable thing, however slightly so it may appear to you... From the practice of the purest virtue, you may be assured you will derive the most sublime comforts in every moment of life, and in the moment of death." - Letter to Peter Carr, August 19, 1785