Period: to
War Events
Proclamation of 1763
It was Great Britain's acquisition of French territory, forbiding the colonists to move past the Appalachain Mountains. The signifigance of this event was, the british were very angry that they were just in a war so they could get that land, and then they couldn't move any further. -
Boston Massacre
5 male civilians died after supposedly throwing snowballs at a group of soldiers. So the soldiers shot them. The signifigance of this event was, the soldiers were invading their space, and thought they could come to the colonies and take over. -
Boston Tea Party
Definition: A protest in which colonists dressed up as indians and went to the harbor and dumbed all the tea out. Signifigance: The king got mad, so he made the intorilable acts which meant it was on like donkey kong. -
Lexington and Concord
British troops marched from boston, to a nearby town called Concord. Paul Revere, would ride horse and warn the army to be prepared. This battle was between the British and Minutemen. The signifigance of this event; marked the offical outbreak of armed war. -
Fort Ticonderoga
Fort Ticonderoga was a star shapped fort, bullt suring the French and Indian war, by the French. It was a British Fort, but was taken over by the Patriots. The signifigance of this Fort was; there were strategically placed in conflicts over trade routes between the British-controlled Hudson River Valley and the French-controlled Saint Lawrence River Valley. The terrain amplified the importance of the site. -
Bunker hill
A battle on a hill originally named "Battle of breeds hill" Where the british army and the 13 colonies faught. The british had an advantage of being at the top of the hill. The signifigance of this event was, the colonial forces retreated to Cambridge over Bunker Hill, suffering their most significant losses on Bunker Hill. -
Olive Branch Petition
The Olive Branch Petition was a final attempt to stop the colonists and the British from fighting. Signifigance: It almost stopped them, but they still faught. -
Publishing of Comon Sence
A book that Thomas Paine wrote, in terms so the colonists could understand. The book was to tell the colonists what the king was doing and tried to convince them to fight. Signifigance: The colonists the understood what was happening and that agrivated them, and made them want to fight. -
Dorchester Heights
After the battles of Lexington and Concord, Revolutionary sentiment within New England reached a new high, and thousands of militiamen from the Northern colonies converged on Boston, pushing the British back within what were then relatively narrow city limits. The signifigance of this event is the colonists came out with the win. -
Declaration of Independance
The declaration of independance is a historical document, stating that the Colonies are seperating from Great Britain. Signifigance: The final step of the seperation. -
The hazardous crossing in adverse weather made it possible for Washington to lead the main body of the Continental Army against Hessian soldiers garrisoned at Trenton. After a brief battle, nearly the entire Hessian force was captured. The British faced a loss to the Colonies. The Signifigance of this battle was; The continental Army had suffered loss after loss, but then won the Battle of Trenton, and left the year on a good note. -
Battle of Princeton
The Battle of Princeton, was where General George Washingtons troops defeted the British. The significance of this battle was, since this was their thrid defete in 10 days, the British evacuated Southern New Jersey. -
On September 19th, British General John Burgoyne achieved a small, but costly victory over American forces led by Horatio Gates and Benedict Arnold. Though his troop strength had been weakened, Burgoyne again attacked the Americans at Bemis Heights on October 7th, but this time was defeated and forced to retreat. He surrendered ten days later. The signifigance of this battle was; it was a turning point in the war. -
Valley Forge
A military camp of the Continental Army, in Pennsylvania, over the winter of 1777 and 1778 during the Revolutionary War. The signifigance of this camp was, even though they faced several hardships, they came out as a trained force for the first time capable of defeating the British Army in a European-style battle. -
A decisive victory by a combined force of American Continental Army troops led by General George Washington and French Army troops led by the Comte de Rochambeau over a British Army commanded by British lord and Lieutenant General Lord Cornwallis. Signifigance: The most important battle in the Revolutanary War. -
Treaty of Paris 1783
Ended the American Revolutionary War between Great Britain on one side and the United States of America and its allies on the other. Signifigance: The end of the war.