Period: to
American Revolution
Molasses Act
The Britsh passed the Molasses Act to make their products cheaper than the French West Indies. They did this by putting a tax of six pence per gallon of molasses imported from non-british colonies. -
French and Indian War
The French and Indian War was caused through conflicts for land.One paticular incident that caused hostilities was the battle of Jumonville Glen in which Jumonville is killed by the Half-King.
In retaliation, the French capture Fort Necessity. In 1755 the British launched a large campaign which was not very succesful. On the other hand, the French capture Fort Bull and William Henry. Near the end,the British Blockade the coast and they capture Fort Duqeunse. They capture Niagra and the war ends. -
Proclamation of 1763
On October 7th, the Britsh passed a law that said the colonists couldn't go past the Appalachian Mountains. This was made to prevent issues with Native Americans. The colonists were angered because they had land but they couldn't go there. Of course, thousands still went past because of land they claimed and many had already settled there. -
Sugar Act
The Sugar Act was a tax that was sent to replace the earlier Molasses Act. It made a tax of three pence per gallon of molasses. The Sugar Act also taxed other items including lead, wine, cloth, molasses. This tax lowered tthe price to make it more appealing however, the securtiy was enforced. The colonists then paid the tax but since their rum wasn't priced high enough to compete against the tax, the colonies were forced to price it higher, giving the British West Indies a lot of money. -
Stamp Act of 1765
In 1764, due to the French and Indian War, the British national debt had almost rose to 130,000,000euros. The Stamp Act stated that cards, newspapers, pamphlets, and land, normally over a shilling per thing. The colonists soon had riots and on March 18th, 1766 the act was repealed. -
Townshend Acts
The Townshend Acts consisted of the the Revenue Act of 1767, the Indemity Act, the Commisioners of Customs Act, the Vice Admiralty Court Act, and the New York Restraing Act. The Revenue Act of 1767 put taxes on glass, paint, oil, lead, paper,and tea. The rest of the acts were very hated and inventually partially repealed. -
Boston Massacre
In March 5th, Private Hugh White was being taunted and insulted when Captain Preston sent reinforcments to help White. The crowd grew larger and people started throwing snowballs. One hit Hugh Montgomery, who yelled "Damn you, fire". He shot into the crowd. Matthew Kilroy also did and 3 people died on the spot. 2 more died later. -
Boston Tea Party
Due to the Tea Act, people did a political protest called the Boston Tea party. During the evening of December 16th they headed out, dressed in Mohawk costumes. They sneaked onto three vessels and dumped all the tea off as a protest. -
Intolerable Acts
The Intolerable Acts were laws passed by the British Parliment after the Boston Tea Party. These acts made it so that Massachusets coulnd't have their own goverment. -
First Continental Congress
The First Continental Congress was when 56 members met to discuss how they would deal with the British for taxing too many items. In this meating only 12 of the 13 colonies came. (Georgia didn't come.) -
Battle of Lexington and Concord
The Battle of Lexington and Concorde was when The British fought with the Americans in several small cities including Lexington, Concorde, Lincoln, and Menotomy (Present day Arlington. This was the beginning of the Revolution. -
Second Continental Congress
The Second Continental Congress met on May 10, 1775. John Hancock and Benjamin Franklin were new arrivals. Georgia again didn't attend the secon continental congress. This congress managed war effort and was a step towards independance. -
The Battle of Bunker Hill
The Battle of Bunker Hill was a battle in which the British attacked the American position in Breeds Hill in an amphibous assault. At first, the Bristish were repulsed but when the third wave arrived, the colonists retreated. This was a phyrric victory because the British lost 226 people (including 19 officiers) while the colonists lost 115. Also, the Brisih had 828 (including 62 officers) wounded, while the colonists had 305. One thing was that the British lost Gen. Pitcairn and Abercrombie. -
Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independance was a paper written by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin. It is a paper that made every man and women be treated equally, pursue their dreams, and have liberty. -
Crossing of the Delaware
Since arriving in Pennsylvania, George Washington had planned to attack the town of Trenton. He had three seperate armys each making a crossing. His, was supposed attack the town. A second army was supposed to create a diversion while the last part under was to hold a bridge to stop retreat. The last was to capture a bridge. On the 25th, Washington made it across while the second didn't and the third retreated due to weather and ice.