Revolutionary Timeline

  • The Frech and Indian

    The Frech and Indian
    The French and Indian war first sparked because of tension in trade, land, and religion. The British lost many of the first battles and many of their forts such as fort Necessity. These losses left the British all alone with no allies and the French with a stronger army and forts. British redcoats arrived in America and turned the tides for the British which increased their allies and military. The British gained victory in 1760! This victory also brought many difficulties to the British.
  • The Proclamation 1763

    The Proclamation 1763
    When the French and Indian War ended in 1763 the Brits wanted to avoid all conflict and arguments with the Native Americans. On October 7, 1763 The Brits did not want any settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains including colonist who already settled in the west. Most colonists refused this order and the Brits found it impossible to enforce.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    When the French and Indian War ended in 1763 the Brits wanted to avoid all conflict and arguments with the Native Americans. On October 7, 1763 The Brits did not want any settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains including colonist who already settled in the west. Most colonists refused this order and the Brits found it impossible to enforce.
  • The Boston massacre

    The Boston massacre
    On March 5, 1770 a group of angry colonists surrounded a small group of British soldiers throwing rocks and shouting at them. The soldiers panicked and killed 5 colonists. John Adams defended the soldiers and 2 of the soldiers were convicted and branded on the thumb as a punishment for the killing. Colonies were informed about the situation from different takes on it.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    On May 10, 1773 the tea act was a tax that was placed on the colonies in order to help the British East India Company which was not doing so well financially. This lowered the price on tea and gave more of the profits to BEIC. Only some merchants were allowed to sell which resulted in many colonists boycotting tea.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    On December 16th, 1773 a boat full of tea was waiting for its shipment in the Boston Harbor. A group of colonists disguised as Native Americans snuck on to the boat and dumped 342 chests of tea into the harbor. The colonists were angry with the Britain’s and tired of the new taxes. The parliament later passed 4 new laws.
  • The Shot heard around the World

    The Shot heard around the World
    77 Minutemen gathered in Lexington town green to face the British. In the midst of it someone fires and the shot rang out so loud they call this ‘the shot heard around the world’. This was considered the first shot of the American Revolution which followed after
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    On June 1775, 10000 untrained American soldiers surround Boston, MA to stand up for their country. The soldiers did not have much ammunition but managed to stay strong and win the first and second battle. The British won, but only because the Americans ran out of ammunition. The Americans proved that they could fight against a trained army. Later George Washington came and took charge of the army
  • Declaration of Independence

    The declaration of independence is a piece of writing on the ideas of education and why the Americans wanted independence from the British. On July 4, 1776 is when the Congress approved the declaration but it was not signed until August 2 making it official. This changed the Revolution because the Americans were fighting for a new nation now. This has inspired not only Americans but people all over the world till this very day.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    The British had a plant to isolate New England from the other states by getting control of the Hudson Valley River and move towards Albany. This plan fails and the Americans surround the British troops at Saratoga and the troop later surrender to the Americans. The British never attacked New England again and leaves them in peace.
  • Valley Forge

    George Washington’s army was driven back from Philadelphia and is forced to spend the cruel winter in Valley Forge. The army was faced with awful conditions such as harsh weather, lack of food and clothing, and disease with little medicine. When the colonists were informed about these conditions they immediately sent help such as food, medicine and warm clothes. The army later sharpened their skills to become a better army.
  • West Point - Benedict Arnold

    A man named Benedict Arnold is known as one of America’s biggest traitors ever. Arnold had a plan to turn West Point (which was a very important fort on the Hudson River) over to the British. Arnolds plan was discovered in September 1780 but he escaped and raided Virginia with other Loyalists.
  • Battle of Cowpens

    On January 17, 1781 Tarleton and his troops did a night march after Morgan and attacked them. The Americans withdrew from the battle but the Brits charged after the Americans. The Americans surprised the British by quickly fighting back and firing volleys. The Americans left that battle with only 12 men dead and 60 wounded. The British left with 100 dead and 229 wounded.
  • Final Battle

    General Cornwallis made a decision to move his troops to Virginia’s coats. He then moved them onto a peninsula in the Chesapeake Bay. Later French navy ships block the bay and Washington’s army arrives and blocks them off by land. This last for several weeks but on October of 1781 the U.S takes the win! This Battle decided the war and the peace treaty shortly follows.
  • The Peace Treaty

    In 1782 both sides agree to meet in Paris and make a peace treaty. John Adams and Ben Franklin are sent to go to Paris. The treaty terms included that there were borders, Florida returned to Spain, and the U.S agrees to motivate states to repay loyalists for lost property. The treaty was approved on April 15, 1783.The Revolution is finally over!