Revolutionary Timeline

By henryc5
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    The French and Indian war was fought between the French and Indians against Britain and the Americans colonist. They were fighting over land and the Ohio River. The colonists wanted to move west but the French wanted that land for the Indians. What followed were the acts to pay for the war. Also, Britain did not want the colonist to move west and wanted to leave it for the Native Americans after the war.
  • Acts

    There were 3 acts that year,the Quartering Act, the Sugar Act, and the Stamp Act. These acts were made to tax the colonists to pay for the French and Indian War. Colonists were upset with each act. What followed were boycotts and then the Revolutionary War to get freedom and a voice in government.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    The Tea Act was a tax on tea. It was made to help the British East India Company get out of debt but actually lowered the price of tea in the colonies. The colonist did not like the act so they boycotted tea. What followed was The Boston Tea Party to express the colonists’ feelings about the Tea Act.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was a rebellious fight the colonist did against Britain. A mob of colonists surrounded and provoke a small group of soldiers. The soldiers panicked and fired into the mob killing 5 people. They did this in protest of the taxes. Both the reactions from Britain and the colonist were the same. They were both scared about this event so after it there was calmness. What followed the Boston Massacre was the Tea Act to pay off the tea.
  • Continental Congress gathered for the first time

    Continental Congress gathered for the first time
    Continental Congress was 12 delegates from each colony except Georgia. They all met at Philadelphia. They met to decide what to do to get rid of the Intolerable Act. The colonist reactions were to help out so they boycotted all British goods and began building a militia. What followed were an army being built and the Fighting at Lexington and Concord.
  • Intolerable Act

    The Intolerable Act closed the port of Boston until the tea was paid off. It also gave the royal governor more power and colonists will need permission to hold more than one town meeting per year. Anyone accused of murdering or attacking a British official had to be tried in Boston. It was made to strengthen the Quartering Act. Of course the colonist did not like this act just like all the other acts. What followed was the gathering of the Continental Congress.
  • Fighting at Lexington and Concord

    The battle at Lexington and Concord was the first fight the colonists had against Britain. The colonist had this battle to fight for a voice in government. The Britain reacted to the fight and organized more troops to squash the colonists. The colonist reactions were the same as Britain so they had minutemen to fight. What followed was the second Continental Congress meeting.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    Battle of Bunker Hill was the first formal battle against Britain and it was on Bunker Hill. There was a battle because the colonist wanted to show Britain that they could do an open battle and to scare them out of Boston. The reactions of the colonists were happy that over 1000 British got killed or wounded The British were shocked that they were so good. What followed were the green mountain boys at fort Ticonderoga when they got cannons and lined them up facing Boston to scare Britain away.
  • Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense

    Common Sense criticized George III and spoke against the idea of the king entirely. He wrote this book because he believed Americans deserved to govern themselves and that Britain had only used the colonies for economic gain. This reacted powerfully to the colonist as they agreed with his opinions. What followed was Richard Henry Lee of VA proposed a resolution in Congress.
  • approved The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence has four sections, preamble (introduction), natural rights (rights that cannot be taken away), list of grievances (complaints), and declaring independence (why should be independent). The colonist did this because they wanted to be independent. The colonist reactions were mostly glad about this and were ready for freedom from Britain. What followed were more battles to get their freedom.
  • Battle of Trenton

    The Battle of Trenton was a surprise attack on Christmas night in Trenton, NJ. Washington had this battle because at the end of the year all the soldiers would go home and there would be no army, so they needed a victory to keep the soldiers for a bit longer. The British were, of course, surprised as anyone. It would be like a protester crashing in your house during Christmas dinner – anyone would be surprised! What followed were more battles to end the war.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The Battle of Saratoga was a battle in the Hudson River Valley. Britain started the battle because they thought they could surround Albany in three directions, but failed. The colonists’ reactions were happy and they thought they could finally finish the war soon. What followed was the French signing an alliance.
  • John Paul Jones won battle against British warship Serapis

    John Paul Jones won battle against British warship Serapis
    It was a navy battle between John Paul Jones and the British warship Serapis. This happened because it was another fight in the Revolutionary War. Both the British and colonists were surprised about this battle because the colonists just started their navy when this war took place. The British were surprised because they had the strongest navy in the world and just lost a battle to a bunch of farmers. What followed was the war moving south.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown was the last major battle of the war. Britain went to the Chesapeake Bay to get supplies when the Americans surrounded and France blocked the Bay. This happened to finish the Revolutionary War. This surprised the British because they did not know they were going to be cornered. The colonists reacted to this event by celebrating. What followed was the Treaty of Paris to finally end the Revolutionary War.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was a peace treaty to end the war. This happened in Paris. It happened because the colonists, in the beginning, wanted a voice in government, but then at the end of the war they wanted to be a free country. The colonists were happy with the treaty. What followed was the United States of America.