revolutionary invetions

  • 1451


    The corrective properties of crystal have been known for millennia. The Roman emperor Nero is said to have used an emerald to view gladiator fights in green
  • steam machine

    steam machine
    it is an external combustion engine that transforms the energy of water vapor into mechanical or kinetic work
  • camera

    William Talbot, the inventor of one of the earliest cameras, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce had produced the first known photograph on a pewter plate, was inspired by his inability to draw
  • refrigerator

    This invention improves the way of cooking and allows keeping perishable products fresh for several days. However, few people paid attention to the invention, but 100 years later it began to be used
  • the cellphone

    the cellphone
    It was a device that transmits sounds over a cable through electrical signals has been one of the most important inventions because it revolutionized the world of telecommunications
  • the plane

    the plane
    The Wright brothers built the glider with a 12-horsepower two-propeller oil engine It had two main wings positioned one on top of the other Both helped provide thrust to the glider
  • the production line

    the production line
    henry ford in the year of 1908 for create his first car invent the produccion line to produce his cars more faster than the form of production in his years
  • microwave

    Dr. Percy Spencer, who worked in a certain range of waves emitted by a magnetron, an essential component in radar
  • internet

    Conceived by the American Department of Defense in the 1960s, the Internet and the World Wide Web invented in 1989 by the British Tim Berners-Lee have brought the world closer than any other invention.
  • eSight 3

    eSight 3
    These glasses were invented for the blinds to see this invention record high definition video and use magnification, contrast and proprietary algorithms to enhance those images into something that the blinds can see.