Revolutionary inventions

  • 3000 BCE


    Is a circular object that goes below a vehicle or other objects to enable it move easily. The earliest evidence of my wheel was from some Sumerians
  • 200 BCE


    Paper is a very thin material produce by pressing together fibres of cellulose pulp. The paper making process is ascribe to a Chinese named Cai Lun
  • Electricity

    We use electricity for almost all things. The electricity make that devices like a computer function. It was invented by Benjamin Franklin
  • Refrigerator

    Is a thing that people use to preserve food. The inventor of the refrigerator is Jacob Perkins
  • Cement

    It is a building material that hardens and adheres to other materials to bond them together. The inventor of the modern cement is Isaac Johnson
  • Telephone

    We used telephones with communicate with other persons that are in other city or countries. The first person to patent the invention was Alexander Graham Bell
  • Car

    Vehicle of four wheel that is used to go to places faster than walking. The inventor of the car was Carl Benz that made a vehicle of three wheels with a engine of gasoline
  • Soap

    A soap is a product that serves for personal hygiene and for washing objects. The inventor of the soap that we use today is named Adolph Klump
  • Airplane

    Is a vehicle, very big, that can fly and have two wings. In can be use to transport materials or people to other places. The inventor of the airplane are the brothers Wright
  • Microowave

    Is a electric oven that cooks and heat food exposing it to eletromagnetic radiation. The inventor of this oven was Percy Spencer