Revolution 2000x1237

Revolutionary Inventions

  • 3500 BCE

    The wheel

    The wheel
    The first wheel was created in Mesopotamia. After the Greek ancients invented the wheelbarrow
  • 1510

    The clock

    The clock
    An instrument for measuring of time and is in digital or haveing a move hands.
  • Train

    The first stream locomotive was created in 1802. Richard Trevithick was the creator
  • The camara

    The camara
    the camara was invented in the middle ages, the name that has this camara was camera obscura.
  • Light Bulb

    Light Bulb
    It was made popular in 1879 by Thomas Alva Edison. First comemercially practical incadescent light.
  • The Cars

    The Cars
    Was created in 1886, for a group of workers. The principal as Carl Benz
  • The television

    The television
    It scan an image and then it transmit in the screen.
  • The computer

    The computer
    The first computer company was the Electronic Controls Company. J. Presper Eckert and John Machly were the creators
  • Video Games

    Video Games
    Was created by Magnavox Oddisey in 1972. Called Atari
  • Mobile Phone

    Mobile Phone
    Was created un 1973 by Cooper. It has no internet and apps to chats.