• 7000 BCE

    Agriculture Invention

    Agriculture Invention
    The beginning of agriculture is in the Neolithic period, when the economy of human societies evolved from gathering, hunting and fishing to agriculture and livestock.
  • 3500 BCE

    Wheel invention

    Wheel invention
    Many civilizations, including the Incas and Aztecs, did not have wheeled vehicles.The oldest evidence of the use of the wheel (a pictogram from Sumer, in modern Iraq) dates from the year 3500 BC. From there, the invention spread rapidly throughout the ancient Western world.
  • 3100 BCE

    Invention of writing

    Invention of writing
    Cuando las personas comenzaron a comercializar entre sí, se hizo necesario dejar constancia por escrito de los negocios. La escritura la inventaron los sumerios en Mesopotamia hace unos 5,500 años aproximadamente.
  • Invention of the microscope

    Invention of the microscope
    The microscope was invented by Zacharias Janssen in 1590. In 1665 it appears in William Harvey's work on blood circulation when looking at blood capillaries under a microscope, and Robert Hooke published his work Micrographia.
  • Telescope invention

    Telescope invention
    The misconception that the inventor was the Dutch Christiaan Huygens, who was born a long time later, has spread in several countries. Galileo Galilei, upon receiving news of this invention, decided to design and build one. In 1609 he showed the first registered astronomical telescope.
  • Phone invention

    However, Bell was only the first to patent it. Thus, on January 14, 1876, the United States Congress passed resolution 269 recognizing that the inventor of the telephone had been Antonio Meucci and not Alexander Graham Bell.
  • Invention of the light bulb

    Invention of the light bulb
    Thomas Alva Edison was the first to patent a carbon filament incandescent light bulb, viable outside the laboratory, that is, commercially viable. He patented it on January 27, 1880.
  • Invention of the car

    Invention of the car
    On January 29, 1886, the German engineer Carl Benz patented his motorized tricycle. Being the first vehicle to operate on the basis of internal combustion, it was considered the first automobile. The invention consisted of three wheels and a gasoline drive.
  • Invention of WiFi

    Invention of WiFi
    Hedy Lamarr, renowned actress and inventor of WiFi. Hedy Lamarr, a classic Hollywood star, was the inventor of the frequency hopping spread spectrum used in GPS, Bluetooth, and WiFi connections.
  • Invention of the syringe

    Invention of the syringe
    Manuel Jalón Corominas (Logroño, January 31, 1925 - Zaragoza, December 16, 2011) was a Spanish inventor. An aeronautical engineer by training and an officer in the Air Force at Zaragoza Air Base, he invented the mop and the disposable syringe.