Battle of Trenton
In Trenton, New Jersey, this batttle took place after Washingtong crossed the Delaware River on December 25, 1776. George Washington and 2400 troops deafeated Johann Rall and his 1500 men army.At the end of the battle, the Americans only had two deaths (which happened during the march) while the Britttish 22 men dead. -
Battle of Princeton
4,500 US troops battled 1,200 Brittish troops fought in Princeston, New Jersey. George Washington and Mercer led the US troops in the battle while Mawhood and Cornwallis led the Brittish troops. Mawhood brought troops to attack Mercer and his men. for about 10 minutes the two sides fought and then Goerge Washington came in and assited Mercer's troops to victory. At the end of the battle, 25-44 US men dead and 40 were wounded, while the Brittish had 18-100 dead, 58-70 wounded. -
Battle of Brandywine
At Brandywine, Pennsylvania, the American army of 14,600 men lead by George Washington were deafeated by the British Army of 15,500 men lead by Sir William Howe. At the end of the battle America had 300 men died, 600 wounded, and 400 captured. While the British had 93 death, 488 wounded, and 6 missing. -
Batttle of Saratoga
In Saratoga, New York, this was the second time that the Brittish and Americans fought at Saratoga, they had fought once before here on September 19, 1777. In the first battle was won by the Brittish and the second one was a victory for the Americans by Brittish surrender. After these two battles, there were 90 Americans killed and 440 Brittish killed -
Battle of Cowspen
1,150 British troops battled 1912 US partiots in Cowspen South Carolina. The Brittish were under the comand of Banastre Tarleton while the partiots were under the comand of Daniel Morgan. Thanks to the creative stratigies of Morgan, the patriots were able to defeat the Brittish with only 25 US killed and 110 Brittish killed -
Battle of Yorktown (Seige of Yorktown)
In Yorktown, Virginia the combined forces of teh French and Americans defeated the Brittish army and ended the war. The war ened with the surrended of Cornwallis. At the end of the battle the U.S/French army had only 88 deaths and 301 wounded while the Brittish had 142-309 dead, 326-595 wounded and 7,416-7,685 captured