revolution/republic timeline

  • Memuacan Hunt proposes the annexation of Texas

    Martin Van Buren is the proposed leader of administration of Texas.
  • Attack on Parker's Fort

    More than 500 warriors attacked Parker's Fort, killing defenders and taking women and children as prisoners.
  • Travis raised 25 volunteers and headed for Bexar

    William Barret Travis raised a company to reinforce the Alamo.
  • David Crockett and a small group arrives at the Alamo

    David Crockett and a small group of volunteers from Tennessee entered the Alamo to help defend it with Travis and his men.
  • Colonel Neill leaves the Alamo leaves Travis in charge

    Colonel Neill leaves the Alamo due to illness in his family and turns over leadership to Travis.
  • Santa Anna's army crossed the Rio Grande

    Santa Anna's army of at least 2,000 men and 21 artillery pieces crossed the Rio Grande River in pursuit of the Texians.
  • First Mexican troops arrive at the Alamo

    The first Mexican troops arrive at the Alamo and Travis sends a courier with the message, "The enemy in large force is in sight. We want men and provisions. Send them to us. We have 150 men and are determined to defend the Alamo to the last."
  • Bowie becomes ill and leaves Travis in full control

    Travis is now in complete leadership of the Alamo after Bowie falls ill and leave him in charge.
  • Gonzales sends 30 men

    Under the cover of morning darkness, 30 men are able to sneak into the Alamo. They are responding to the plea for help sent out by Travis.
  • General Council calls convention

    A convention is called to meet at Washington and is scheduled to elect the delegates.
  • Declaration of Independence for Texas from Mexico

    The convention adopts a declaration of independence for America that said that Mexico has violated the Constitution of 1824 and had caused the revolt and separation of Texas.The Texas Declaration of Independence is signed by 58 delegates at an assembly at Washington-on-the-Brazos and the Republic of Texas is declared. David G. Burnet is elected interim president by the delegates.
  • James Butler Bonham rides into the Alamo

    Bonham rides in during broad daylight to offer aid to the men defending the Alamo.
  • Santa Anna plans final attack on the Alamo

    Santa Anna holds a council of war to plan the final assault. Sam Houston is appointed commander of Texas forces.
  • The Siege of the Alamo

    Santa Anna's men have taken control of the Alamo.
  • Runaway Scrape

    Houston begins his retreat from Gonzales precipitating the Runaway Scrape.
  • Battle of Refugio

    Battle of Refugio begins: Texan troops lead by Lieutenant-Colonel William Ward and Amos King are attacked by General Urrea. After several hours of fighting, the Texans finally retreat.
  • Capture of Ward's troops

    Ward's troops are captured by the Mexicans.
  • David Burnet is president of Republic of Texas

    David G. Burnet becomes interim president of the Republic of Texas.
  • Goliad Massacre

    James Fannin and nearly 400 Texans are executed by order of Santa Anna.
  • Battle of San Jacintio

    Texan army lead by Sam Houston defeats Mexicans lead by Santa Anna, securing Texas independence. Santa Anna captured.
  • Treaty of Velasco

    Treaties of Velasco signed by Republic of Texas officials and Santa Anna ending the Texas Revolution.
  • vote for Texas annexation and constitution

    Burnet announces this is the date for voting about Texas annexatioin to the USA and acceptance of the constitution written by the convention in March.
  • Texas elects first president

    Sam Houston is elected first president of the Republic of Texas
  • Sam Houston becomes president of The Republic of Texas

    Sam Houston becomes president of the republic
  • Adams-Onis Treaty

    This act establishes boundaries of Texas.
  • Stephen F. Austin dies

    "The Father of Texas" dies of pnuemonia.
  • Financial Panic of 1837

    The United States is in a financial panic.
  • USA recognizes Texas as independent

    The United States recognizes Texas's independence.
  • The Battle of Neches

    The battle between the Cherokee Indians and Texas troops that ended with the Chief Bowl being shot, scalped, and his hat and sword given by Sam Houston taken.
  • Killough Massacre

    Cherokee Indians kill or abduct 18 people in the Killough massacre, the largest Native American attack on white settlers in Texas.
  • 2nd President of Republic of Texas elected

    Mirabeau B. Lamar took aoffice as the second president of the Republic of Texas.
  • Cordova Rebellion

    Tejanos who did not support independence from Mexico gathered in the Córdova Rebellion and its defeat at Battleground Prairie in Guadalupe County.
  • Austin become the capitol of Texas

  • Cherokee Indians refuse to go to the Arkansas Territory

    The Cherokee Indians accept President Lamar's proposal of compensated relocation to the Arkansas Territory in the United States but refuse to prepare and leave.
  • Battle of the Neches begins

    The first day of the Battle of the Neches.
  • Battle of the Neches second day

    Both Cherokee chiefs, The Bowl and Big Mush, are killed.
  • France recognizes Texas' independence.

  • Republic of the Rio Grande expedition is organized

  • The Battle of Plum Creek begins

  • Invasion of Santa Fe

    Sam Houston is returned.
  • Sam Houston becomes president of the republic.

  • San Antonio and Goliad captured by Mexican Army

    The Mexican Army invades Texas and captures San Antonio and Goliad, but leave just a few days later.
  • Mexican Army invades south Texas

  • Mexican Army invades Texas and captures San Antonio

  • Battle of Salado Creek begins

  • Dawson Massacre

    Texans are surrounded and killed by the Mexican Army in the Dawson Massacre.
  • Mier Expedition

    Texans are taken prisoner in the Mier Expedition because they were outnumbered ten to one by the Mexican Army.
  • Texas Archive War

    Austin citizens shoot at Texian officials, who attempted to move the government records to Houston after being asked to do so by President Houston.
  • The Naval Battle of Campeche

    Texas Navy of the Republic fire at Mexican naval vessels.
  • Santa Anna releases all Texas prisoners

    All Texas prisoners are released by Mexico on order from Santa Anna.
  • Anson Jones becomes president of the Republic of Texas

  • President John Tyler signs the bill to annex Texas

  • Voters approve a Texas state constitution

  • Congress passes bill to annex Republic of Texas

    US Congress passes a bill that would allow the United States to annex the Republic of Texas.
  • The Republic of Texas is annexed by the USA

  • Republic of Texas becomes State of Texas