Revolution/Republic timeline

  • The battle of Gozalez

    The first battle of the Texas Revolution
  • Period: to

    Revolution/Republic timeline

  • Santa Anna attacks San Antonio and the Alamo

    Santa Anna and his troops attacked the Texas troops and won the battle of the Alamo.
  • Texas Declared their independence from Mexico

    On this day Texas wrote their declaration of independence. Sam Houston was named the commander of the Texas Military.
  • Texas lost the battle of the Alamo

    After the attack that happened 13 days, the Mexican Soldiers had killed all of the Texas soldiers who were trying to defend the Alamo.
  • Fall of the Alamo

    The Mexican troops fought against the Texas Troops
  • The battle of Coleto

  • The Goliad Massacre
  • Texas rallies for independence after the Goliad Massacre

  • Texans win the battle of San Jacinto and their independence

    The Texas troops defeat Santa Anna and his troops at this battle and the Mexican troops were captured and some were killed.
  • The Treaty of Velasco

    The Treaty of Velasco ended the Texas Revolution
  • Sam Houston named president of the Republic of Texas

  • U.S recognizes the Republic of Texas

  • Mexico prohibits the U.S from annexing Texas

    A U.S secretary of State reported a treaty agreements with Mexico prohibiting the U.S annexing of Texas
  • Texas to annex itself

    Texas minister to the United States presents U.S. government a formal offer from the Republic of Texas to annex itself to the United States
  • Texas withdraws the offer of annexation

  • President Sam Houston proposal

    The Texas Congress passes a joined resolution approving President Sam Houston's withdrawal of annexation proposal.
  • Sam Houston proclamation

    Houston issues a proclamation declaring armistice between Mexico and Texas
  • Texas officially becomes the 28th state