56 os forradalom

Revolution of 1956

  • Ceasefire with the Soviets

    National Guard was established. The UN started to debate on the Hungarian case. Nagy Imra had a radio speech where he called this as national and democratic movement. The Soviet troops started to withdraw.

    MEFESZ was established and list of demands were drafted. A peaceful demonstration was planned on 23rd of October as a result of the Polish events. This gave hope against the reign of terror.
  • Demonstration

    Demonstrators met at the Petőfi statue. Sinkovits Imre recited the National Song for this. Crowd of 200 000 people marched to the Kossuth square chanting their demands. A group of demonstrators demolished the Stalin statue which was the symbol of communist terror. Other went to the Radio to make their demands public. They also cut out the socialist coat of arms from the Hungarian flag which symbolized the revolution.
  • Period: to

    The ,,fight''

    Soviet troops occupied Budapest. Resistance centers were the Széna Square, Mester street, Corvin Close etc. There were also fights in other cities in the countryside. In 25th of October there were a chain fire in front of the Parliament
  • USSR

    USSR promised to be neutral in Egypt if USA would be passive in Hungary.
  • One party system

    End of the one party system, former political parties were established. Release of Mindszenty József.
  • Period: to

    Nagy Imre, Kádár and Maléter

    Nagy Imre denounced the Warsaw Pact (Hungary became neutral) at 1st of November. Kádár and Maléter started negotiations with the Soviets. Maléter was arrested but Kádár had a choice at 3rd of November.
  • Soviet attack

    Soviet attack
    At 4 a.m. Soviets attacked Budapest. The Suez crisis provided an oppurtinity for a military showdown. There were two announcements. Nagy Imre announced that the Soviet offensive had started but the government remained in its place and the army was fighting. This was a lie because Nagy fled to Yugoslavian Embassy and only groups of youngsters were fighting. Kádár announced the formation of Revolutionary Workers' and Peasants' Government.
  • Nagy Imre

    Nagy Imre
    Nagy Imre was arrested.
  • Bloody showdown

    Bloody showdown
    330 of the demonstrators were executed including Nagy Imre. 20.000 of them were imprisoned and 200.000 emigrated from the country. The UN suspended Hungary and condemned the Soviet intervential.