
  • French and Indian War

    The French invade the Indians hoping to take over their land
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Forbade all settlement west of the line drawn in the Appalachian Mountains
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar was no longer taxed
  • Stamp Act

    Media is now taxed
  • Boston Non-Importation Act

    Takes action against Townshend Act
  • George Washington named Commander in Chief

    George Washington is now president
  • Fort Mifflin

    Captured by the British
  • British gaining stronghold

    The U.S. is weakening in Virginia
  • Articles of Confederation

    America's first constitution
  • British Victory

    British win a major victory at Guilford
  • Cornwallis Tactics Fail

    Cornwallis surrounded on sea and on land by Americans who were also aided by the French
  • British Surrender

    The British fleets start to evacuate Savannah
  • British Continue to leave

    Great Britain troops leave New York (11/25/1783)
  • Paris Treaty

    The Americans and British sign the Treaty of Paris. Now the U.S. is independent.
  • Resignation

    Washington resigns as Commander in Chief
  • Constitution

    Founding fathers sign the U.S. Constitution