
  • second continental congress meets

    second continental congress meets
    be beat on clearing independents
    Thomas Jefferson is primary author of the doc
  • continental congress meets

    all colonist but Georgia have representatives
    voted to send a statement of grievances "
    voted to boycott all British trade
    Patrick Henery -VA rep.argued to colonists to unite against britan
  • midnight ride of pual revere

    paul rever rides to wan them that the British are coming
  • midnight ride of pual revere

    paul revear rides to concord to wan thmethe british are comeing
  • battle of lexionton concord

    first battle of revousonary war

    shot herd around the world
    british victory
    battle of concord amaracans stop british
  • capture of fort ticonderoga

    Benedict Arnold and eten Allen capture the fort
    get all supplies in the fort including cannons
    American victory
  • second continental congress meets

    print $$$
    set up a post office
    created continental army let by gorge Washington
    sent olive branch asking the king to protect their rights
    hires 30,000 Hessians soldiers in response
  • battle of buncker hill

    fought on breeds hill
    don't fire until you see their lights of their eyes
    British victory ( Americans ran out of ammunition )British learn the defeating the Americans would not be easy
  • washington arrives on outskirts of bostion with continental troops

    relize men are disorganized and needs disaplin
    needs weapons
  • British surrender Boston

    Washington believes his army is ready and weapons arrive
    whshington puts cannons on dorchester hights overlooking bostion
    british lose amaracan vistory
  • common sense published by thomas pine

    pamphlet inspires more colonist to become patriots
  • second continental congress votes for independents

  • teh declalration of independense is sighed