they towns people were told to stand down until someone shot and all hell broke lose causing this battle,it was the first battle and it only lasted 15 minutes -
the british fought an empty arsenal.between 3000 to 4000 men had lined up and the march became a slaughter colonist became enemies of the british and held boston under seige -
bunker hill
thomas gage decided to attack malitialmen at breed hillsvso he sent 2400 men but the colonist held their ground until the last minute and mow down the british men -
new york
first major battle of the american revolutionary war after declairing independence on july 4th -
the army genaral came up with a complex theme to lea an arm down a lake this was the most important batte because t gave france a hope that the americans cou win -
valey gorge
the battle wa arguabley the most important to the colonist in term of getting the french to veiw them as poeple who could win -
marques de lafayatte
they were french reinforcment to help the colonist they also led a command in virgina they me an affective fighting force -
york town
the britih surrender at yorktown because the french beat a british army and obstructed the british from coming in and about 17,000 french and colonist surrounded the british -
treaty of paris
it confirmed the us independence and set the boundaries of the new nation