Lexington and Concord
700 British troops were headed for Concord. "Redcoats" reached Lexington. The battle of lexington only lasted 15 minutes ( first battle of the revolutionary war ). Bloodied and humiliated the remaining British soldiers fell by the dozen and headed back to Boston. -
Bunker Hill
Thomas Gage deicded to stirke at militamen on Breed's Hill. Gage sent 2,400 British soldiers. Smoke cleared and colonists lost 450 men. While British suffered over 1,000 casualties. Bunker Hill would prove to be the deadiest battle of the war. -
New York
The British quickly attempted to seize New York City with 32,000 soldiers. The untrained and poorly equipped colonial troops retreated. -
Washington defeated a formidable garrison of Hession mercenaries before withdrawing. Week later lured British forces south. Then executed a daring night march to capture Princeton. -
Saratoga victory bolstered Frances belief that the Americans could win the war -
Valley Forge
A new army anxious to fight the British streamed out of Valley Forge toward New Jersey. -
Marquis De Lafayette
Lafayette lobbied France for French reinforcements in 1779 -
Late September about 17,000 French and the American troops surrounded the British on the Yorktown peninsula and began bombarding them day and night -
Treaty of Paris
Delegates signed the treaty of paris when confrimed U.S independence and set the boundaires of the new nation -
The declaration of independence and the consitiution were written