

  • Leviathan(enlightenment)

    We don't know the date but we do know that in the year 1651 Thomas Hobbes published his book Leviathan. Leviathan was a radical book for its time. It was the first published work containing enlightenment ideas. It would lead to many other radical ideas all across Europe.(
  • Two Treatises on Government(enlightenment)

    Two Treatises on Government(enlightenment)
    John Locke publishes the book Two Treatises on Government in the year 1690. The book would inspire many more people to begin thinking differently. The book and its ideas are still discussed today all around the world.(history
  • Candide(enlightenment)

    In the year 1751 Candide is published by Voltaire. Candide was a satire about life at the time. This book helped inspire the American and French and revoloutions.(History
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    United States

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  • Napoleon is Born(French)

    Napoleon is Born(French)
    Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769, in Ajaccio, Corsica, France. Napoleon would be part of a culture where war was a
    everyday thing and warriors were honored. He would leave Corsica at the age of nine. (
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord(United States)

    Battles of Lexington and Concord(United States)
    On April nineteenth in 1776 the first battles of the revolutionary war were fought. British troops marched into Concord to seize an arms cache , This was the night of Paul Reveres ride. Minute men came to confront the British troops. They forced the British troops to pull back from concord.(
  • Declaration of Indepedence formed (United States)

    Declaration of Indepedence formed (United States)
    On July 4th 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed. It was signed in Philadelphia. When it was signed the Colonies declared themselves as an independent nation from Britain. The most important of those who signed were John Hancock, Sam Adams, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington. (, Wikipedia)
  • Battle of Yorktown(United States)

    Battle of Yorktown(United States)
    On September twenty eighth 1781 the battle of Yorktown took place. This was the last battle of the American revolution, it was fought in the town of Yorktown Virginia. George Washington's continental troops and the French's naval forces surrounded Cornwallis's army. Cornwallis surrendered ending the battles in the colonies.
  • Treaty of Paris(United States)

    Treaty of Paris(United States)
    It wasn't a single day although the discussion began in April of 1782. The Treaty of Paris officially ended the war for independence. The negotiations took place in Paris. The Americans who signed were Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Henry Laurens, and John Adams. The British representatives who signed were David Hartley and Richard Oswald. ( Wikipedia ,
  • Bastille Day(French)

    Bastille Day(French)
    On July fourteenth 1789 the French Rebels stormed the Bastille. This event marked the beginnings of the French Revoloution. The prison only held seven prisoners although it represented the beginning of the end of oppression.(
  • Women's march(French)

    Women's march(French)
    On October fifth 1789 about seven thousand peasant women armed with muskets and pitchforks marched from Paris to Versailles. The women marched chanting bread. The march was to protest the distribution of food because they believed the royalty were hoarding wheat. The crowd brought the king and queen back to Tuillered until they tried to flee France.(
  • King Louis XVI is executed( France)

    King Louis XVI is executed( France)
    On January twenty first in the year of 1793 France's king was executed. This was very significant because it was the first time a country had overthrown and killed their Monarch. King Louis XVI was found guilty of having been involved in counter revolutionary activities by the National Assembly. He was tried for treason and executed in Paris by the guillotine.(
  • Napoleon marries Josephine(France)

    Napoleon marries Josephine(France)
    On March ninth, 1796 Napoleon married his love Josephine. He married her in Paris. Two days after the marriage Napoleon went to lead an army in Italy.(Wikipedia)
  • Napoleon become emperor of France(France)

    Napoleon become emperor of France(France)
    On December second in 1804 Napoleon became emperor of France. Napoleon put the crown on his own head instead of having the pope do it. This was showing the church wasn't above Napoleon. His coronation was in Notre Dame. This gave Napoleon full control of France. This would make Napoleon. Begin to think a little to highly of himself.(
  • Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo(France)

    Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo(France)
    On June eighteenth in 1815 Napoleon was finally defeated. Near the Belgian town of Waterloo Napoleon lost everything. Napoleons troops marched on the British, little did he know the Prussians were on their way to aid him. The combined forces of the Coalition destroyed Napoleons Army. He was captured and put into Exile.(
  • Napoleon dies(France)

    Napoleon dies(France)
    On May fifth in 1821 Frances once great emperor died. Napoleon died of a sickness in exile on the island of St.Helena. It is possible that Napoleon may have been murdered but that is unconfirmed.(