Period: to
Revolutionary War
Proclamation of 1763
The Proclamation of 1763 was issued by King George the third, not allowing colonist beyond the Appalachian Mountains. British colonist ignored the rule and felt as if they were treated unfailry and that they should be their own country. Which led tensions between the two countries, leading to the American Revolutionary War. https://www.ambrosevideo.com/items.cfm?id=1110 -
Boston Massacre
The night of March 5th 1770 a small fight broke out between a British soldiers and a few colonist in front of a Custom House. The colonist began to abuse the British soldier by throwing things at him like sticks and snowballs. The riot began to turn into a very small battle fifty other colonist showed up and more British Soldiers and cahos began. After all went loose there were deaths and wonds. After the fight ended more colinist were now starting to want their freedom. http://www.duckster -
Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party was a key event leading to the American Revolution. It was a protest that the colonist commited against the British government. By protesting colinist dumped 342 chest of tea into the ocean. The colonist did this becuase they felt they should not have to pay taxes on the tea. This led to make the British angry and wondering if maybe it was time for a fight. http://www.ducksters.com/ -
Lexington & Concord
These two battle's were a start to the American Revolution. The Battle of Lexington was a very small battle but was one of the first. It was not supposed to be a battle at first but then a gunshot was fired and a few colonist were killed but most just ran from the scene. The battle of Concord was more of a sucess for the colonist. The colinst defeated the British in the second of one battle. Giving them more confidence. The significance is that the American Reveloution was now started. -
Battle of Fort Ticonderoga
Before the war British became incharge of a fort named it Fort Ticonderoga. No battle was going on at the time when there was a suprise attack by the colonist and a small battle broke out. At the edn the colonist walked away with their first real victory. The significance is that later that year the British gave up that fort after the battle of Saratoga. http://en.wikipedia.org/ -
Bunker Hill
Battle of Bunker Hill took place just a few months after the war started. The battle mainly took place on Breeds Hill. At first the British were just going to take over the hills but the colonist did not want that to happen so they moved their troops on the hill as well and then British started to attack. The British won but still many men died from both sides.
http://www.ducksters.com -
Olive Branch Petition
The Olive Branch Petition was the colonist final attempt to stop a full war and just get what they want. It was written by John Dickinson. Since written to the King, the King rejected and decided that war was what the choice had to be. The King had full confidence though and knew his army could defeat the colonist. http://en.wikipedia.org -
Publishing of Common Sense
The Publishing of Common Sense was written by Thomas Paine to encourage colonist to fight for their independence it included reasons why they (The Colonist) should have their own freedom. It caused more colonist to begin to be on the American sided instead of the British. http://en.wikipedia.org -
Dorchester Heights
The Battle of Dorchester Heighst is not a very big battle becuase no shot was fired. As British army officials were heading to Boston to fight a storm happend and there was not much of a battle since the British were unable to show up. Since no real battle occured and the British did not show up , the colonist won the battle.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortification_of_Dorchester_Heights Fortification of Dorchester Heights -
Declaration of Independence
Being at war for about a year the Colonist decided it was officially time to declare their independence and not follow any more British rules. The colonist had five men write the Declaration, three of the men were Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and John Adams. After finalized it was sent to Great Britan and war continued.
http://www.ducksters.com -
Battle of Trenton
The Battle of Trenton took place as soon as the Americans crossed the Delaware river. The battle was a short battle and was wond by the Americans and later a few days later led to the Battle of Princeton. http://en.wikipedia.org -
Battle of Princeton
The Battle of Princeton was shortly after the Battle of Trenton. After winning the Battle of Trenton Washington the American leader led all of his soldiers back to Princeton and once again a short battle began but once again the Americans won. http://en.wikipedia.org -
This battle was a series of Battles all in one. The first battle was the Battle of Freemans Farm. As the British were coming close the Americans started shooting and as well the British did. At the end British may have had a better battle but had lost twice as many men as they did the last battle. The secon battle was The Battle of Bemis Heights. The first attack was made by the British but it failed completely leading the Americans to win. At the end of the battle the British Surrenderd. -
Valley Forge
Valley Forge was a terrible part of the war even though it was not a battle. It was harsh tempertures and little supplies. During the winter the British were camping in Pennsylvania and Washington and his crew were keeping and eye on them while trying to surrvive in the cold weather www.ducksters -
Battle of Yorktown
Finally the last Battle of the war began. The Battle of Yorktown, lasted a long eleven days in Yorktown. At the start of the battle for once the British were surronded by American troops that were ready to fight. And thats what they did. The Americans won the war. After a harsh eleven day battle the British surronded and making a peace treaty which declared America now their own country. www.ducksters -
Treaty of Paris
The war was ended and now a Peace treaty was signed. It was signed September 3rd 1783 at Hotel d'York by David Hartley who signed the paper for King George. After it was signed America was now one and it was the offical end to the war.