Revival of Islam

  • 1564

    Mujaddid Alf-E-Sani

    Mujaddid Alf-E-Sani was a disciple of Baqi Billah and is known for imprisonment because of not Bowing.
  • Baqi Billah

    Baqi Billah is the founder of the Naqshbandia order which was later joined by Mujadid-Alf-E-Sani
  • Shah Waliullah

    He was the one who studied in Madrassah-E-Rahimia and pointed out social evils that Muslis Adopted from Hindus.
  • The third battle of Pani pat

    Ahmed Shah Abdali fought and defeated the Marathas but he was unable to setup a government in Hindustan.
  • Haji Shariatullah

    Haji Shariatullah was the one who worked on oppressing peasants of Bengal.
  • Syed Ahmed Shaheed Bareilvi

    He was the Founder of Aligarh Movement.
  • Battle of Balakot

    A battle was fought in balakot Ranjit Singh and Syed Ahmed.