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Review Timeline

  • The Holocaust starts

    The Holocaust starts
    The holocaust was put on by Hitler because he wanted anyone who was different from his idea of a "perfect race" to suffer.
  • Hitler takes control of Europe

    Hitler takes control of Europe
    This is the day that Hitler was voted Chancellor of Germany.
  • Japan invades China

    Japan invades China
    The reason Japan invaded China was because they need raw materials and fuel to grow their industries. So Japan invaded China
  • World War 2 starts

    World War 2 starts
    Hitlers invasion on Poland led to the start of World War 2.
  • The Neutrality act of 1939

    The Neutrality act of 1939
    After Germany invaded Poland a act was passed that no can "Cash and Carry" anymore. Which mean you have to pay cash for anything you wanted for the war and transport the stuff to their own ships.
  • The Fall of France

    The Fall of France
    This happened because France lost everything and was kind of "Off the grid" for a couple weeks. A could things they lost were intelligence,tactical inferiority, and poor leadership.
  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    Germany wanted to invade Great Britain,but in order to do that Germany need to destroy their Air Force so they couldn't fight back from the air.
  • US Oil Embargo on Japan

    US Oil Embargo on Japan
    Roosevelt wanted to freeze all of Japan assets so that led to Japan being cut off from using oil in the US.
  • The attack of Pearl Harbor

    The attack of Pearl Harbor
    In Hawaii Japan launched a surprise attack on pearl harbor. Japan originally wanted to go to the US and instead went to Hawaii.
  • The Bataan Death March

    The Bataan Death March
    Nazis ordered marches over long distances. Many people died due to conditions.
  • Battle of Midway Island

    Battle of Midway Island
    Japan wanted to defeat the US in pearl Harbor and they used Midway as a base to attack pearl harbor.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    This took place when Germany invaded Russia. This battle lasted 5 months. Russia won this battle. Soviets prevented supplies from reaching German troops
  • D-Day (operation overload)

    D-Day (operation overload)
    The goal was to mislead Germans about the intended invasion target.They used intelligence to trick Germans about location.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    The US wanted to secure the grounds of Okinawa by removing the barrier that lies between the US and Japan.
  • The end/liberation of the holocaust

    The end/liberation of the holocaust
    The end of the holocaust happened because the Allied Soviet troops liberated everyone who was suffering from the holocaust.
  • VE day

    VE day
    This was also known as "Victory in Europe" day. This was also the day that the Germans surrendered and World War 2 was over.
  • Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima

    Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
    This bomb that dropped caused Japan to surrender after 80,000 people were killed by it.
  • End of World War 2

    End of World War 2
    This is the day that the Germans surrendered and the war was over