
Returnable Girl

  • The Necklace

    The Necklace
    Paige let everyone try on her new necklace at the bus stop except for Cat and Ronnie. Ronnie takes it out of Paige's locker later, tries it on then puts it in Cat's shoe in her locker because she knew Cat wanted to try it on really bad. Paige sees its missing then Ronnie blames it on Cat. Cat gets in trouble. Ronnie feels really bad but Paige likes Ronnie now because she "found" her necklace.
  • New "Parents"

    New "Parents"
    Alison(Ronnies foster mom) found out that there was a couple that was interested in adopting Ronnie. Alison doesn't think Ronnie should move just yet but Ronnie is ready to go.
  • Not Again

    Not Again
    Ronnie and Midge (Ronnie"s social worker) go to the Wagners. The Wagners happen to live in Lancaster. Ronnie used to live in Lancaster with her biological mother, Lancaster was where her mother abandoned her. Ronnie is not living in Lancaster ever again and remembering her mother abandoning her and the horrible foster cares she was in. Ronnie throws a fit till Midge takes her back to Alison's, Ronnie wants to stay with Alison and Alison is happy to have her for longer.
  • New Friends

    New Friends
    Ronnie is really starting to become friends with Paige but that means she can't be friends with Cat because Paige doesn't like her.
  • Lucky

    Ronnie really wants a dog so Alison gives in and gets Ronnie a dog; Lucky.
  • Old Friends

    Old Friends
    Alison and Ronnie take Lucky to obedience school. Ronnie runs into an old friend of hers, Francis who was her old youth minister at a church she used to go to. Francis knows all about Ronnie and is glad to see her.
  • Guns

    Later that night Ronnie goes over to Cat's house to sleepover. After a bit of hanging out Cat shows Ronnie, Cat's mom's boyfriend's(Bud) gun collection. Cat tells Ronnie that the gun is never loaded but she knows where the bullets are.
  • Memories

    Ronnie remembers when she had to go live with her 52 year old uncle and his wife, Raylene. Raylene was very religious and strict. Ronnie remembers wanting to go be with her mother in Alaska really bad but she didn't have any money but her uncle and Raylene did so she thought of a plan of borrowing the money in their closet then paying them back later. Raylene finds Ronnie in her closet taking her money. After that Ronnie had to go into foster care.
  • Surprise

    Alison tells Ronnie she's filing for adoption. Ronnie thinks she's crazy but doesn't object.
  • Bud

    Cat tells Ronnie how Bud peers in on her when she's getting dressed. Cat also told Ronnie how Bud touched her butt.
  • Skating

    Paige, Britnee, and Ronnie went to the lake to ice skate. They met Tyler (Paige's boyfriend) and Jon (Tyler's best friend) and a few other people from school. Cat was there "flirting" with Jon and a few other guys. Cat later came up to Ronnie and told her Jon wants to go sit with her in her brothers car. Ronnie thinks its a stupid idea and doesn't think Cat should go. Cat decides to go home.
  • The Party

    The Party
    Paige invited Britnee and Ronnie over for a sleepover while her parents were gone. After a while Paige invited Tyler and Jon over. Paige invited Tyler up to her room. Jon got bored and invited some more people and they invited more. Paige and Tyler were making out in Paige's room when Ronnie had to interrupt because people were throwing up all over Paige's house. Paige didn't let Tyler go any further then kissing.
  • The Letter

    The Letter
    Ronnie finds out from her biological mother that she sent her a letter in January before she went to a halfway house saying she was ready for Ronnie to come live with her. Ronnie asks Alison later that day about the letter and Alison admits to keeping it from her because she doesn't wants Ronnie to really think about it and she didn't want the letter confusing Ronnie. Ronnie later tells Alison she wants to go live with her mother in Alaska and not go through with the adoption.
  • Cat

    Ronnie heard a rumor at school that Cat gave one of Tyler's friends a blow job! Tyler is also pressuring Paige to do more "stuff" but she doesn't want to because he keeps flirting with other girls
  • The Club

    The Club
    Ronnie, Paige, and Britnee went to "The Factory" which is a teen center that hosts parties. There were a lot of people from their middle school there. Paige, Ronnie and Britnee danced for a little bit until a slow song came on. A lot of kids circled around somebody/some people in the middle of the dance room. It was CAT and TYLER! Cat was grinding in a slow dance with Tyler! Paige had just broke up with Tyler and she was really mad.They made up after the party.
  • Secrets

    It's Ronnie's birthday and she wanted to talk to Francis about her mothers new boyfriend. He told Ronnie that she just needs to think about going to stay with her mother in Alaska, is that what she really wants? While Alison and Francis are talking Ronnie eavesdrops. Alison really doesn't want Ronnie to leave. Francis compliments Alison, she thanks him then kisses him on the lips.
  • Punishment

    Because of Cat's dancing with Tyler Paige was going to make Cat miserable. She got the whole school in on it. In math class Cat went up to the board and Jon(Tyler's best friend) put a condom on her notebook and told her she "left that at his house". As Cat walked down the hall people shout bad names at her. One boy put gum in her hair and somebody put poop in the bottom of her locker. Jon and Tyler were talking about how they went over to Cat's basement the other day, it really embarrassed Cat.
  • Cat's Mistake

    Cat's Mistake
    Cat hasn't been showing up to school because of all the teasing and torment she endures at school.
  • Comfort

    Ronnie finally tells Alison about when her mother left her. They were all going to move up to Alaska; Ronnie her two little brothers, her mother and Kenny(her mothers abusive boyfriend). Kenny kept yelling at Ronnie to take care of her brothers and to clean the house. Kenny and Ronnie's mother left to get the moving truck, when they got back her mother and Kenny were fighting in the truck when she got out she told Ronnie there wasn't enough room for her so she'd have to stay behind.
  • The New Cat

    The New Cat
    Ronnie takes Cat's schoolwork to her after school. Cat show's Ronnie that she's been cutting herself and that she cut RAGE on her ankle. She tells Ronnie it's because all of the stuff that happened at school. Cat has a plan though to get back at Paige.
  • The Plan (Part 2)

    The Plan (Part 2)
    Cat pulled the trigger on accident but it didn't hit anyone. Paige checked herself then ran right out of Cat's house. Ronnie and Cat were both surprised. Cat didn't tell Ronnie the gun was part of the plan and Cat didn't know it was loaded. Cat knew she'd get in trouble for what she had done so she turned the gun on herself. Ronnie was terrified, she told Cat that she'd take the blame for her. Cat was better after that and Ronnie took the gun out of her hand right away.
  • The Plan

    The Plan
    Ronnie was to tell Paige that Tyler was still meeting Cat in her basement. Ronnie told Paige that they should sneak into Cat's house to catch Tyler and Cat in the 'act' that afternoon. Later that day Ronnie and Paige headed over to Cat's. Ronnie led Paige to the basement but the plan was too leave Cat and Paige down there alone. Ronnie shut the door and left but had a bad feeling. She went back down to the basement to see Cat with a gun pointing at Paige. She accidentally pulled the trigger.
  • Bye Bye Cat

    Bye Bye Cat
    After what happened Cat and Ronnie got picked up by the police and Alison came to get Ronnie as soon as she heard what happened. Cat had to go to a psychiatric hospital.
  • Court

    Ronnie had testify at the trial for Cat. She didn't want to hurt Cat but she had to tell the truth about what happened. Cat was sent to Juvenile detention.
  • Forever Home

    Forever Home
    After what happened with Cat Ronnie realized Alison is like a real mother and she really loves Ronnie. Ronnie was going to go live with her biological mother in Alaska along with her two brothers but Ronnie decided she wanted to stay with Alison. It actually worked out because Ronnie's mother had to go back to rehab and her brothers were with two foster dads.