
Restoration Theater

  • Period: to

    Commonwealth Period

  • Nell Gwynn is born

    Nell Gwynn is born
  • The Siege of Rhodes

    The Siege of Rhodes
    presented by William Davenant
  • Cromwell dies

    Cromwell dies
  • Davenant and Killigrew get patents

    Davenant and Killigrew get patents
    King's Company and Duke's Company
  • Period: to


  • Lincoln's Inn Fields

    Lincoln's Inn Fields
    converted tennis court
  • Drury Lane Version 1

    Drury Lane Version 1
  • Davenant and Killigrew have a monopoly

    Davenant and Killigrew have a  monopoly
    it's official
  • Nell Gwynn joins Killigrew's company

    Nell Gwynn joins Killigrew's company

  • FIRE!

  • John Dryden named poet laureate

    John Dryden named poet laureate
  • William Davenant dies

    William Davenant dies
  • Nell Gwynne hooks up with King Charles II

    Nell Gwynne hooks up with King Charles II
  • Nell Gwynn retires

    Nell Gwynn retires
    at 21!
  • Dorset Gardens

    Dorset Gardens
  • Drury Lane 1 burns down

    Drury Lane 1 burns down
  • Drury Lane Version 2 Opens

    Drury Lane Version 2 Opens
  • The Country Wife by William Wycherley

    The Country Wife by William Wycherley
    Written and Produced
  • Drury Lane closes

    Drury Lane closes
    because Killigrew sucks at his job
  • The Rover by Aphra Behn

    The Rover by Aphra Behn
  • Davenant and Killigrew's companies combine

    Davenant and Killigrew's companies combine
  • Drury Lane 2 Re-Opens

    Drury Lane 2 Re-Opens
    Thanks, Tom Betterton!
  • Betterton co-manages the new United Company

    Betterton co-manages the new United Company
    at Drury lane
  • Charles II succeeded by James II

    Charles II succeeded by James II
  • Nell Gwynn dies

    Nell Gwynn dies
  • Mary II succeeds James II

    Mary II succeeds James II
  • Aphra Behn dies

    Aphra Behn dies
  • The Female Wits jump into action

    The Female Wits jump into action
  • Betterton leads revolt and leaves Drury Lane

    Betterton leads revolt and leaves Drury Lane
  • A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage

    A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage
  • John Dryden dies

    John Dryden dies
  • The Way of the World by William Congreve

    The Way of the World by William Congreve
  • Anne crowned as Queen of England

    Anne crowned as Queen of England
  • Betterton's company folds

    Betterton's company folds
  • Drury Lane 2 Closes

    Drury Lane 2 Closes
    because Christopher Rich sucks at his job