Kent State Shooting
Guardsmen fired 63 rounds of shots in 13 seconds on student protestors at Kent State University in Ohio. -
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Roe vs. Wade
"Jane Roe" (alias) fought a court caseover when an abortion is acceptable during the course of pregnancy/ -
President Nixon was caught in a scandal involving a robbery that took place and connected cash was foud in a fund for his campaign. -
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Energy Crisis
Due to oil supply lacks, the U.S went thorough a period of energy scares. -
Steve Jobs (PC)
STeve Jobs and partner, Wozniak, sold the first Apple 2 computer. It was noted as the first commercialy successful pc. -
Camp David Accords
Egyptian and Israeli presidents sign the Camp David Accords as a peace treaty between Egypth and Israel. -
Three Mile Island Accident
A nuclear power plant located on Three Mile Island in Dauplin County, Pennsylvania had a meltdown due to human error. It released radioactive gas and iodine during its collapse. -
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Iran Hostage Crisis
52 American students supporting the Iranian Revolution were held hostage for 444 days after trying to invade the Iranian Embassy. -
Miracle on Ice
The U.S Men's olympic ice hockey team defeats the leading Soviet Team during the winter games in Lake Placid, New York. -
First American Woman In Space
Sally Ride was sent into space on the Challenger spacecraft as the first woman in space. -
Challenger Disaster
The Space Shuttle Challenger disintegrated over the Atlantic Ocean due to an O-Ring failure. -
The Chernobyl nuclear power plqant in Ukraine exploded, spreading radioactive particles over the west part of the USSR and Europe. -
Tiananmen Square
Student demonstrators in Tiananmen Square in Beijing China were cracked down on by Chinese Government, killing many of the peaceful protestors. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Communist Bloc leaders showed signs of weakness and the borders of the Berlin Wall were announced to be open for the first time since the wall was built, 28 years prior. -
Nelson Mandela is Freed
Nelson MAndela is freed from the Robben Island Prison after 27 years. -
Hubble Space Telescope
NASA launched the Hubble Space Telescope into low-earth orbit. -
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Desert Storm
The U. S foughts Iraq in the desers of the Peraian Gulf as a result of Iraq's annexation and invasion of Kuwait. -
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L.A. Riots
Rodney King was beat by police, setting off race riots that caused the deaths of 53 people in LA. -
Oklahoma City Bombings
Timothy McVean and Terry Nichols commit a domestic terror bombing on the Oklahoma City Federal Building. -
Death of Princess DIana
Princess Diana is killed in a car accident in Paris after being chased by photographers. -
Computers all over the world were expected to crash because of the 2 digit change from 99 to 00. -
2000 Election
George W. Bush and Al Gore battle for the presidency. George Bush narrowly wins. -
September 11 Attacks
Islamic terrorist group, al-Qaeda, hijacked 4 passenger airlines and flew 2 into the world trade center, 1 into the pentagon, and one never made it to Washington D.C. -
Columbia Disaster
The Columbia space shuttle disintegrated during re-entry to Earth's atmosphere, killing the entire crew. -
Capture of Saddam Hussein
SAddam Hussein was captured in a hole outside of his hometown of Tikrit after 5 months in hiding. -
Hurricane Karina
The most severe hurricane of the 2005 Atlantic season struck, causing severe damage from central Florida all the way to Texas. -
2008 Election
Barack Obama and John McCain ran against each other for president, Barack Obama won and became the first African-American president. -
Haiti Earth Quake
A 7.0 magnitude Earthquake occured in Haiti, affecting an estimated 3 million people.