Research Project 2018

  • 143 BCE

    The First Schools In History

    The First Schools In History
    Private schools have been around for centuries, some providing religious teachings and others preaching a more academic morals. China is historically known to have high literacy rates because of their early institution of the Civil Service Exam, To aide those taking this intense test the "Chengdu Shishi High School" (Robert Kennedy, Time Line) established, similar to how we got too high school to learn material in the STARR, SAT, or any of our AP Tests.
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    How did those schools develop?

    How did those schools develop?
    Schools in china evolved in lots of ways as they moved west. Roman schools debated upon philosophy and their polytheistic practices. As social classes began to develop with the world, elites began to demand schools to be more exclusive so they created Private schools. "Private schools differ from public institutions in one major way: cost." (Learn.Org, par.1) This set a clear hierarchy among citizens and clearly established an elitist attitude concerned with education.
  • 1572

    How did culture develop because of Private Schools?

    How did culture develop because of Private Schools?
    Private schools had developed a prestigious reputation among the elites in many societies and began to be a centers of education and class. Families began to pour money and resources into these schools to affect their influence on these cultural powerhouses. Schools begin to be known for their "Calm, orderly atmosphere that hums with an exciting, vibrant sense of purposefulness..." (Craig Jerald, par.1)
  • How did dictatorships effect education?

    How did dictatorships effect education?
    Dictators control every part of their countries, especially education. all dictators push propaganda and limit any topics that might threaten a dictators rule. Hitler did this and burned books that disagreed with Nazism and pushed children to follow propaganda to further his regime and hold on the nation. (Nazi Education, par.4)
  • How did the corruption continue?

    How did the corruption continue?
    Private schools slowly became more socially corrupt through the influence of the student's parents, the more money the parents put in the more lee way the student got in school. This also led to parents influencing the schools choices in who got into the schools and what happened within them. This only furthered the elitist attitudes in the schools. (Policy Analysis 2005, p.30)
  • What is the diversity like?

    What is the diversity like?
    Because of the influence of parents there is not a lot of diversity in race, class, and community. Though the lack of diversity has created lots of controversy, private schools have made great strides in increasing their diversity so now the question of diversity "hangs on whether you look at statistics or community.(Robert Kennedy, par.1)
  • Public schools V.S Private schools

    Public schools V.S Private schools
    when people discuss which is a better form of education, people tend to favor private schools because of their historic prestige and exclusiveness. Though they offer similar subjects and coverage on such topics, what is generally agreed upon is that "Public schools perform favorably with private schools when students' income and socio-economic status are taken into account..." (Claudio Sanchez, par.1)