The environmental movement

  • 1 billion people reached

  • Amazon deforestaion

    In western Brail home of 208,00 square kilometers of forest has become one of the most deforested parts of the amazon.
  • Colorado river

    one of the principal rivers in southwestern United States and northern Mexico states.
  • 2 billion people reached

  • Dust bowl

    dust storms that damaged the ecology and agriculture of the American and Canadian prairies.
  • Minamata disaster

    a poisoning disease, mainly central nervous system. it damages your kidneys, not confirmed that it damages organs other then your nervous system.
  • 3 billion people reached

  • Rachel Carson's Silent spring published

    originally serialized in the new yorker magazine, put light on the damage that man-made pesticides inflict on the environment.
  • U.S river fires(Cuyahoga)

    the river fire helped spur an avalanche of water pollution control activates, this results in amendments extending the clean water act.
  • Clean air act

    CAA is the federal low the regulate air emissions from stationery and mobile sources. To protect public health and welfare.
  • Stockholm Conference

    The united nations conference on the human environment in Stockholm was the first world conference to make the environment a major issue.
  • 4 billion people reached

  • clean water act

    establishes structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into water. in 1948, federal water pollution control act, but was reorganized and expanded.
  • Endangered Species Act

    protections for fish, wildlife and plants are on the the list for threated or endanger species.
  • Love Canal

    town in Niagara Falls, New York, United States. They dumped toxic chemicals killed residents and harmed the health of the neighborhood.
  • Bhopal disaster

    there was a chemical leak in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh state, India. it was called the worst industrial accident in history.
  • Chernobyl meltdown

    nuclear power plant explosion.
  • 5 billion people reached

  • montreal Protocol

    Global agreement to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the consumption of ozone depleting substances.
  • Exxon Valdez

    U.S navy landing craft anchored ashore as numerous position hoses during oil clean-up efforts on smith island.
  • 6 billion people reached

  • Kyoto protocal

    operationalizes the framework convention on climate change by committing industrialized counties.
  • Documentary film an inconvenient truth released

    directed by Davis Guggenheim about untitled state vice president al gore's campaign to educate people about global warming.
  • 7 billion people reached

  • Clean power act

    an important step in reducing carbon pollution from power plants that act on climate change.
  • zero water in south Africa

    Cape Town endured a 400-year drought which took a city of 4.6 million residents to where they would run out of water.
  • California Droits

    gives consumers more control over the information that they collect about them. CCPA regulations provide guidance on how to implement the law.
  • 8 billion people reached