Eine Theorie der Grundlagen der Thermodynamik(A Theory of the Foundations of Thermodynamics)
Written in the publication Annalen der Physik. The problem of irreversibility in thermodynamics. -
Allgemeine molekulare Theorie der Wärme(On the General Molecular Theory of Heat)
Written in Annalen de Physik. Fluctuations and new methods for determining Boltzmann's constant. -
Review of Giuseppe Belluzzo: "Principi di termodinamica grafica"Review of Giuseppe Belluzzo: "Principles of Graphic Thermodynamics"
Thermodynamics -
Review of Albert Fliegner: "Über den Clausius'schen Entropiesatz"Review of Albert Fliegner: "On Clausius's Law of Entropy"
Thermodynamics -
Die im elektromagnetischen Felde auf ruhende Körper ausgeübten ponderomotorischen Kräfte(On the Ponderomotive Forces Exerted on Bodies at Rest in the Electromagnetic Field)
This was about special relativity. Co-authored with J. Laub. -
Principe de relativité et ses conséquences dans la physique moderne(The Principle of Relativity and Its Consequences in Modern Physics)
Special Relativity -
Relativitätstheorie(The Theory of Relativity)
This was about special and general relativity. An address given at the conference of the Zurich Society of Scientist -
Zum gegenwärtigen Stande des Gravitationsproblems(On the Present State of the Problem of Gravitation)
This article is about general relativity. Address on September 21, 1913 to the 85th Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher in Vienna. -
Zum gegenwärtigen Stande des Problems der spezifischen Wärme(On the Present Status of the Problem of Specific Heats§)
Specific heats -
Feldgleichungen der Gravitation(The Field Equations of Gravitation)
General relativity. This is the defining paper of general relativity. At long last, Einstein had found workable field equations, which served as the basis for subsequent derivations. -
Sur la théorie synthéthique des champs(On the Unified Theory of Fields)
Classical Unified Field Theories -
On the relation between the expansion and the mean density of the universe
General Relativity -
The particle problem in the general theory of relativity
General Relativity -
The Evolution of Physics: The Growth of Ideas from Early Concepts to Relativity and Quanta
This was a book about the History of physics. Co-authored with Infeld L. -
Motion of particles in general relativity theory
General Relativity